United Church of God

International News at a Glance: British Isles Semiannual Letter Sent

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International News at a Glance

British Isles Semiannual Letter Sent

UCG–British Isles sent a semi­annual letter to 6,300 Good News readers Nov. 13 and within three days received the first 47 responses (including 10 donations) requesting the booklets The Book of Revelation Unveiled and You Can Understand Bible Prophecy. As of Nov. 30, 600 (9 percent) had been returned.

The text of the letter was varied slightly for three groups: Members, coworkers and donors (521 in the United Kingdom , 81 not); those due to be renewed (997 United Kingdom, 240 not); and the remainder of the Good News readers (3,611 United Kingdom and 850 not).