United Church of God

Eighth ABC Class Begins Character Quest

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Eighth ABC Class Begins Character Quest

The afternoon Sabbath services Jan. 6 were devoted to the 2007 theme, "Building Godly Character," with split sermons given by Jim Franks and Clyde Kilough.

About 150 people attended the orientation on Sunday, including students, family members, faculty and home office staff. After five months of preparation, the faculty eagerly greeted the new students and explained the ins and outs of the seven-month program.

This year, additional classes were added to the curriculum—a public speaking course and a new class called Foundations of Faith. Foundations of Faith covers the proofs of the existence of God and proofs that the Bible is the Word of God, since these foundations are under attack in this postmodern world.

Following presentations by faculty members and former students and the keynote address by Mr. Kilough, the attendees were treated to a delicious array of hot and cold hors d'oeuvres and beverages.

Creative local members prepared a beautiful setting, which included dry ice fog billowing across buffet tables, soft pastel lighting and candlelit tables. Previous ABC graduates volunteered to act as hosts and hostesses for the evening.

Ranging in age from 18 to 67, this year's students come from diverse backgrounds. Although most are from the United States, we also have students from Sweden and Germany. One retired couple is attending and many of the attendees are on breaks from university studies or between studies for advanced degrees and careers.

Students share housing in apartments near the home office where classes are held or they rent rooms in nearby members' homes. To pay for their living expenses, many of this year's students work in local businesses doing many types of jobs—from restaurant server to professional harpist to tennis pro assistant instructor.

Originally, 60 people had been accepted to the 2007 class, but last-minute cancellations brought the number of attendees to 53. Women outnumber men two to one in this year's class. UN