United Church of God

News at a Glance: Beyond Today on Google Video and Yahoo Video

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News at a Glance

Beyond Today on Google Video and Yahoo Video

In addition to YouTube mentioned last issue (page 16), the popular online search tool Google offers a video search feature where registered users can upload videos to the Google video Web site. This free service allows visitors to search for posted videos and either view them online or download them. Now Yahoo has a similar free service.

As of the end of November, we have 54 Beyond Today TV programs, commentaries and booklet commercials posted on the Google Video Web site found at video.google.com and 47 at Yahoo Video found at video.yahoo.com. At Google, these files have been viewed over 30,000 times. The most popular program, "Is There Life After Death?", has generated over 3,600 views at Google Video alone.

Thanks to these new features from Google, YouTube and Yahoo, we are able to reach more people online with the Beyond Today TV program than we would from only the www.beyondtoday.tv Web site. This is all at no additional cost.