United Church of God

News From Around the World: Leadership Training Held in Francophone Africa

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News From Around the World

Leadership Training Held in Francophone Africa

From Feb. 2 to 5, 11 men participated in a conference on leadership and service in the United Church of God, presented by French regional coordinator Joel Meeker. The meetings were held in Cotonou, Benin, on the west coast of Africa.

Jean-Marie Mundeli and Jean-Baptiste Sibobugingo came from Rwanda. Kossi Fiaboé and Pierre Kloutsé came from Togo. Paul and Félix Tia came from Côte d'Ivoire. Moïse Mabout, Emmanuel Andang and Jean-Philippe Bikoé came from Cameroon. Michel and Bonaventure Ogoudélé from Benin rounded out the group.

Mr. Meeker gave Bible studies and presentations on the importance of the work of God, how to work together at a distance, differences between the United Church of God and other churches and the fundamental doctrines of the Church. Participants had many occasions to ask questions and did so, leading to instructive and enjoyable discussion.

On the Sabbath each participant at the conference introduced himself and gave an update to the congregation of the work of the Church in his area. Mr. Meeker gave a sermon about the leadership qualities of Nehemiah. A delightful Sabbath lunch was then served by the ladies of the congregation, organized by Mrs. Ogoudélé.

All the men present said they deeply appreciated this training opportunity and expressed their hope that more such conferences can be organized in the future.

For more about the pastoral trip, see page 4.