United Church of God

Treasurer Reports

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Treasurer Reports

We will soon receive the report of our independent auditing firm, and it will be the subject of an article in the next issue of United News. For now, I will summarize some of the key financial results for the recently ended fiscal year.

We of course are grateful to God for providing for the financial needs of the Church, working through the faithfulness of the members and other contributors to its work. This enables that work to be carried out in accordance with the Church's biblically-mandated mission.

During the fiscal year that ended June 30, the Church's income grew by 7.45 percent. The previous year, it had grown 7.81 percent. During this past fiscal year, we were able to significantly add to the spending on preaching the gospel and completely pay off the mortgage loan on the home office, and still end the year with a small surplus of income over expenses.

Good Works Program

We also were able to help out with special needs in many areas of the world through fund-raising efforts of the brethren in support of the Good Works Program.

Among the projects that were funded in this past year through those fund-raising efforts were help for those affected by Katrina, brethren affected by accidents and catastrophes in various nations, including El Salvador, Chile and Kenya, assistance with provision of meeting halls in Ivory Coast, Philippines and Kenya, and special assistance regarding the educational needs of brethren in various developing nations. On behalf of those who benefit from these Good Works fund-raising efforts, thank you.

Prayers Needed

As we move forward, we continue to look to God to provide the Church with the "financial manna" that is needed to do the work. Your earnest prayers to God for His wisdom in using the resources He makes available are needed. He it is who can cause more and more individuals to respond to the truths taught by the Church by directly supporting its work. UN