United Church of God

UCG E-mail Update Lists Show Growth

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UCG E-mail Update Lists Show Growth

Staying in touch with readers is important, but it would be quite expensive if we were to mail letters every week. However, with e-mail, it is virtually free.

It is encouraging to see significant growth in new people signing up to receive our weekly “UCG Web Site” updates and “UCG Member” updates.

As of June 2007 we have 18,041 subscribers (a 17 percent increase) to our weekly www.ucg.org Web site updates. This service provides our users with the latest new items on our site. In addition, there are 8,921 people (a 3 percent increase) receiving UCG member updates (which give our members updates of Church news and other important developments).

Of interest to our teens and young adults is the Vertical Thought magazine e-mail update that alerts them to new material posted at www.verticalthought.org and links to new material as it becomes available. It also now includes a weekly Vertical Thought commentary written by our young people. We have 3,749 current subscribers to this service (a 97 percent increase over a year ago).

An exciting development is the number of Good News readers who are signed up to receive our monthly “GN Reader E-Letter.” At present we have 28,872—a very encouraging 45 percent increase. Samples of what our Good News readers have been getting can be seen at www.gnmagazine.org/gnupdate.

The e-news program titled “This Is the Way” goes to 10,870 readers—a 242 percent increase over a year ago! You can view samples of past commentaries at www.thisistheway.org.

The new World News and Prophecy biweekly update is showing considerable growth as well in its first year. You can sign up at www.wnponline.org.