United Church of God

ABC Continuing Education on the Move

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ABC Continuing Education on the Move

ABC faculty members have been quite busy since the Feast, conducting four ABC Continuing Education seminars, with three more scheduled before the end of the year.

On Oct. 20 and 21, the St. Louis, Missouri, and Fairview Heights, Illinois, congregations hosted a seminar at the church hall in Fairview Heights. David Johnson and David Register conducted sessions on "Postmodernism," "What Are God and Jesus Christ Doing Now?" and "Colossians—the Hope of Glory." Nearly 100 brethren attended services on the Sabbath, and many of them stayed through the afternoon for the first sessions of the seminar. About half of those returned on Sunday to complete the seminar, with approximately 45 receiving special certificates for completing the entire seminar.

The following weekend, Oct. 27 and 28, Jim Franks and Ralph Levy conducted classes for members in the Chicago, Illinois area (see article, page 12).

On the weekend of Nov. 17 and 18, two seminars were conducted at opposite ends of the country—Allentown, Pennsylvania, and Spokane, Washington. Brethren who attended in Allentown heard presentations from Clyde Kilough and Richard Thompson on "The Dynamics of Spiritual Growth," "An Overview of the Gospel of Mark" and "The Nature of the Godhead." Well over 100 people attended portions of the seminar, with 81 receiving completion certificates.

In Spokane, 126 people attended services with 118 remaining for the first round of classes. Seventy were able to return on Sunday, with 53 receiving certificates. Jim Franks and David Johnson presented classes on "Introduction to Doctrine," "Origin of Fundamental Beliefs," "Sabbatarians of New England," "Understanding the Plurality of God and Divinity of Christ" and "Colossians—the Hope of Glory."

As we go to press, one more weekend seminar is scheduled in the Oakland, California, area on Dec. 1 and 2, where David Johnson and David Register will present classes on "Postmodernism," "What Are God and Jesus Christ Doing Now?" and "Colossians—the Hope of Glory." Attendance is again expected to be just over 100.

The final two seminars for this calendar year are scheduled during the Winter Family Weekends in Portland, Oregon, and Louisville, Kentucky. Gary Antion and David Register will be conducting classes in Portland, and David Johnson, Clyde Kilough and Ralph Levy will be holding classes in Louisville. Subjects have not been finalized for those sessions at press time.

ABC is so convinced of the value of these seminars that we have built most of the costs into our budget. The local area provides the hall and any refreshments, and we provide the transportation and expenses for the two presenters.