United Church of God

Treasurer's Report

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Treasurer's Report

The United Church of God continues to receive God's blessings in the financial realm, making possible the carrying out of the Church's mission. We thank God for His continuing provision.

We budget and report on income for the Church in three categories. Category One includes regular tithes and offerings. Category Two includes Holy Day offerings. Category Three represents miscellaneous items that tend to be seasonal in nature, such as donations to the Church's youth camps, ABC student tuition, donations to the Festival Fund and interest.

For the portion of the current fiscal year that began July 1 and ended Oct. 24, Category One and Category Three have grown by 2.4 percent and 4.0 percent, respectively, compared to the similar portion of the previous fiscal year. The year-to-date change for Category Two (which includes the four fall Holy Days) is a 3 percent decrease. It is helpful to analyze that number. The first two Holy Day offerings (Trumpets and Atonement) actually increased over last year, by a combined 1.6 percent. The last two fall Holy Day offerings decreased by a combined 7.6 percent. Based on reports we have received from various Feast sites around the world, we have noted that there was an increase over last year in offerings from U.S. members on Tabernacles and the Last Great Day in various international sites of almost the same amount as this decrease collected in the U.S. Feast sites. More U.S. members transferred to international sites, and more of their Holy Day offerings were collected in those sites.

So, overall, the income of the Church is growing this fiscal year at a rate, more in line with the historical growth rates of the last 10 years (between 2 percent and 4 percent). We pray that if it is God's will, the income will pick up in the coming months to closer to the 7 percent growth rate of the last two fiscal years. The needs are always great, and we know that it is in God's power to provide more than we even ask. But we must ask, for we are told that "ye have not, because ye ask not." The prayers of the members along these same lines are much appreciated and needed.