United Church of God

"Spring Cleaning for the Heart" Theme of Munster Women's Event

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"Spring Cleaning for the Heart" Theme of Munster Women's Event

The theme for the event is "Spring Cleaning for the Heart." The program includes several guest speakers, music, a luncheon and time for fellowship and sharing. Tanya Horchak, the keynote speaker, asks the question, "When was the last time you took your heart to the cleaners—spiritually?" The "heart" God refers to in Scripture motivates our thoughts and choices. The condition of our spiritual heart is important if we are to inherit what is promised. Mrs. Horchak will show how cleaning and giving it a good check-up is beneficial, and that there is a connection between our heart and the gift that awaits us when we do. Bob Fahey will be the guest speaker for Sabbath services, beginning at 2 p.m. March 29. A buffet meal will follow and an evening of fun and feminine fellowship. The registration fee is $40 and includes a continental breakfast and luncheon. For additional information call Judy (219) 924-5479 or e-mail DeLee at deharg@aiagrp.net.


  • Godanointed

    Is the any literature from this conference earlier this year? If so, how can I get it?

  • Sabrina Peabody

    This appears to be an article posted from an old United News magazine and since it was back in 2008 I doubt the material is available. It is good to note though if you search "women's weekend" in the UCG search bar it will give information for upcoming women's weekends. There is one in March 2013 in Cinncinnati, OH that is sure to be great!