United Church of God

Ministerial Training Seminar Held in Australia

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Ministerial Training Seminar Held in Australia

It was the first time since 2000 that all the Australian ministry had the opportunity to be "with one accord, in one place." The seminar took place over the Australia Day weekend, which commemorates the arrival in the new British colony of the first fleet of ships in 1788. The land down under has approximately 600 Church members scattered across a vast continent. They are served by five full-time ministers whose separate areas of responsibility cover thousands of square miles. Ten other elders assist in serving the Australian brethren. Richard Pinelli and his wife Mary and Greg Sargent and his wife Marian traveled from the United States to participate in the seminar. Mr. Pinelli serves as coordinator of ministerial development programs, focusing on training the trainers of future ministers. He has mentored 36 trainees in his 45 years in the ministry. Mr. Sargent, a minister for 41 years, is based in Kansas City and is regional pastor for the U.S. Central Region. Opening proceedings, Queensland pastor Bill Bradford commented that the purpose of such training seminars was to bring uniformity to the ministry, and the same mind and standards of conduct. He added that the way issues are approached should be the same everywhere, with allowances made for cultural differences. This is the biblical model. The all-day training sessions were divided into six hour-long segments. Mr. Pinelli covered pastoral principles from Timothy and Titus, baptismal counseling, the importance of sound doctrine and discernment, and Church ceremonies. Mr. Sargent gave helpful information on preparing split sermons, premarriage counseling, teaching as we have been taught and developing wisdom and judgment. Mr. Bradford's contributions included counseling from Scripture, mentoring and training within the local pastorate and pastoring and developing churches in Australia. Bruce Dean, pastor of New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, talked on working with your pastor, being all things to all men and dealing with legal issues. Attendees were able to enjoy helpful and uplifting fellowship during the group lunches and dinners held in the seminar meeting room. Some of the many favorable comments made on the value of such seminars included the following: "The seminar exceeded our expectations, with much sound instruction being presented by experienced and seasoned pastors. The warm camaraderie among ministers and wives present was clearly evident." "It really was an honor to be present. All the information from the presenters was tops—heaps and heaps of food for thought." "The lectures set my feet firmly on God's ground. I now have a deeper understanding, appreciation and respect for the Creator." "As a relatively recently ordained elder, ministering from a somewhat remote location, I found the seminar to be of inestimable value. I left the seminar with a much clearer vision of our objectives: to point God's people towards and to assist them with their efforts to become inheritors of the Kingdom of God." UN