United Church of God

Romance, Wealth and Power

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Romance, Wealth and Power

As world economies struggle for sustainability, a one-world governmental system is preparing to be launched.  Decried by nations who have fought hard for their independence, the tenets of this soon-to-be universal power include the destabilization of democratic ideologies and a required co-sharing of the needs essential to human life and happiness.

The mastermind of the coming movement is reclusive Prince Joshua, described as exceedingly influential, very wealthy and commanding a powerful army of loyalists.  He has been described as a handsome, tall and darkly tanned individual seeking a wife in time for a scheduled royal wedding.  Candidates for the marriage are being solicited from among cultures world-wide. However, due to the unique philosophy driving the new government, few have expressed any genuine interest in pursuing such a relationship.

This rare opportunity for a commoner to be raised from a position of ambiguity to royalty has a twist. The suitor’s heritage, lifestyle and governance philosophy are at odds with the ethics and reforms that mainstream human cultures have long embraced. His requirements include that all candidates must be virgins who are gorgeously adorned. Each must renounce all democratic and individualistic ideals. He is to be regarded as “the Anointed,” and deferred to with unquestionable submission at all times. Each romantic candidate must genuinely embrace and promote the new ideology whose aim includes erasing the freedom of contemporary societies. And anyone caught in a disingenuous attempt to try to marry the Prince will be sentenced and burned alive. Such outlandish sounding criteria seem untenable and unreachable, dousing the interest of most for pursuing it.  Yet, the prospect of one’s rising from ignominy to marry into power and wealth is intriguing to some, while the prospect of the romance has strong appeal with others.

These actual events are underway right now. On the surface, the notion of a one-world governmental system reining in the personal independence of the earth’s population may seem repugnant. You might well consider it the antithesis of the fundamental societal values that we all embrace. Yet if you examine all this through a slightly different lens, you may recognize one of those virgins as being yourself.  You see, the above uses themes of biblical prophecies and allegories from Song of Solomon, Isaiah, the Gospels, the Epistles and the Book of Revelation. Describing prophetic events in this manner is intended to highlight crucial issues that confront any desirous of becoming successfully betrothed to Jesus, or “Joshua” in English, the coming Prince of Peace and King of Kings (Isaiah 9:6; Revelation 19:16). One only need read His warnings, parables and prophecies to confirm that many are drawn to the opportunities His wedding will afford, but few are chosen to participate (Matthew 22:11-14).  

While the mindset of the coming Kingdom of God offers the solution for mankind, our carnal human nature does not identify with it. Any who associate themselves with the true Christ put themselves in jeopardy with their fellow humans (Matthew 10:21-22). He and His followers are well-acquainted with persecution and even martyrdom. It is vital that one realizes that the values of the God family are polar opposites of those in modern civilizations, where carnal minded humans will mass an all-out effort to destroy Christ at His return (Revelation 19:9).

God’s way of thinking and acting represents an entirely new construct to our own carnal, human mindset. Christ demands that His bride convert to His loving mindset in order to assist Him in bringing abundant life to humanity (John 10:10).

This article is intended to challenge us to become genuine partners with Joshua the Anointed One, the English equivalent of “Jesus the Christ.” Most in this Church’s history have not succeeded in an enduring relationship with Him. We need to carefully consider the requirements of entering a valid engagement/betrothal to One whose ways are in stark contrast to the human mindset.

Christ says that He does not think on the same plane as humans and that His principles and His ethics are vastly higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9). His abilities, powers and appearance stagger our imagination (Mark 13:26-27). To presume to have a marital relationship of oneness with someone you don’t really share the values of would be presumptuous and hypocritical. Baptism, when entered into properly, is a contractual binding of two committed individuals for an upcoming marriage.  Christ desires to forge that covenant with those who are genuinely pursuing intimacy with Him and all that He stands for. He is even offering assistance to help them meet all of His criteria (1 John 1:7).

But candidates for the Bride of Christ need to be genuine in their pursuit of the opportunity. Who genuinely wants to be fully at one with Prince Joshua, meeting all the criteria and strict terms? For many it is easier to verbalize admiration for Him than to become like Him (Mark 7:6). Many of His parables speak to that tendency in us including unconverted goats, fruitless vines and virgins resisting spiritual change. After all, our carnal human nature wants little to do with a theocratic government that commands strict obedience and mutual promotion of others. Are there any latent allegiances to carnal humanism remaining unnoticed in us? Many profess their desire to “marry” Christ. However, their motives are often more about self-preservation and self-promotion than about developing His mind (Philippians 2:3-5). Cashing in on the power, wealth and romance has always attracted self-seekers who have no buy-in to the ideology of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:10-11).  He recognizes hypocrites (Mark 7:6), but warmly embraces all those who are intent on converting to a godly mindset like His (Psalm 51:10). He does all possible to help insure that your relationship within the God family will succeed (Hebrews 13:5).

The hope for mankind lies in the upcoming marriage of the Lamb and His Bride (Revelation 19:7-8). A statement in Proverbs could refer to Christ’s role along with the need for a bride with sterling virtue.

“Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.  Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies” (Proverbs 31:9-10).

The rest of the chapter can enlighten us to the importance of diligently preparing to become a fitting bride for Christ.  In order to be ready as a helper suitable to serve with the coming King of Kings, we need to be genuinely converted and cleansed (Ephesians 5:25-27). Let Him lead you through each aspect of your growing relationship by responding heartily to His correction (Hebrews 12:4-8). In time, personal deficiencies will be transformed into spiritual strengths as changes are made in each of us.