United Church of God

First Round of Kingdom of God Bible Seminars a Success

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First Round of Kingdom of God Bible Seminars a Success

After concluding the September round of our Kingdom of God Bible Seminars, the guest count stands at a very encouraging 1,514. A total of 176 congregations filled out the online survey, so thank you very much to the pastors and presenters for taking care of this important avenue of feedback for us. We understand that some of our seminar guests are now showing an interest in greater commitment to the church, which is also encouraging to see.

A management meeting was held on September 27 to discuss how best to move forward with the program, and based on the overwhelming success of this first round, it has been confirmed to proceed as planned with the January 2012 seminars. We already have over 100 people signed up for the January 21 seminars.

Mario Seiglie gave some interesting information about their seminars held in Santiago, Chile. They had 25 new people in attendance. But in addition, 25 guests joined the seminar on the Internet via webcast from countries across Latin America. Afterwards they sent in questions that Mr. Seiglie answered. One person flew all the way from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to attend the Santiago seminar! They plan to have the next seminar in mid-January.

The two new seminar outlines are being worked on, and advertising is being planned. Beyond Today will continue to promote the seminars with each airing, The Good News magazine will carry another ad, online Google ads will be ramped up again and pastors will be able to send out personal letters of invitation. PowerPoint presentations will be produced to accompany the new seminar outlines as well.