United Church of God

Greensboro, North Carolina, Women's Club a Success

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Greensboro, North Carolina, Women's Club a Success

On August 13, 2011, the Greensboro Women’s Club opened with 17 women present after a prayer of blessing by Gerald Stanford.

Sadie Parks thanked all the women for the paper products that were donated to the food pantry.

Our congregation has five members who were unable to attend the Feast of Tabernacles this year. The women’s club provided them with a meal on each of the Holy Days during the Feast. In addition, the women provided a gift bag which will contain items to be opened each day of the Feast. The women were put on special assignment to record their Feast experience in pictures, in order share a photo album with those who are unable to attend.

Our topic for club was “Serving God’s People with Joy.” Mrs. Parks led the group discussion while reminding us that part of our calling is to serve. There are many opportunities to work together in service to the congregation, as well as to bond with other women in the Church. In the future, the women will be given an occasion to serve in specific needs in a variety of responsibilities.

The discussion was opened to the group and the women shared their joy to the congregation from their services in the mother’s rooms at the Feast, recording of services, food preparation and the choir. A poem about joy was read by Margaret Dupuis.

A card box was created by Sadie Parks to hold cards of encouragement for those in need of prayer, sympathy, healing and support from the congregation. The card box will be available before and after services to ensure that cards will always be available.

The meeting concluded and refreshments were served.