United Church of God

Twin Cities, Minnesota, Women’s Conference a Success in 2011

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Twin Cities, Minnesota, Women’s Conference a Success in 2011

"They were all together in one place," that is, the 78 women registered to participate in the 2011 UCG Twin Cities Women’s Conference themed "Many Gifts, One Spirit." What a blessed weekend, even though it passed too quickly! Ladies from seven states convened in Newport, Minnesota, for brunch and morning meetings before regular Sabbath services.

In the morning, young women from high school to college level gathered for their own round-table discussions on dating and other core issues of interest to them. Fresh insight on how to think about roles and balance was offered to the whole group in a session called "A Conversation on Flourishing Where You Are" (at any stage of life)—using a scriptural truth instead of being heckled to the world’s notion of attaining balance.

Jolinda Schreiber, wife of pastor Dave Schreiber, who serves in the southern part of Minnesota, came to share about the brethren and work being done to assist Sabbath believers in their travels to Sri Lanka and India. After Sabbath services, all (including the men and families of the Twin Cities congregation) shared a yummy potluck dinner with our lady guests.

Sunday’s activities started with a presentation for the women to better understand the distinction of the types of gifts detailed in the New Testament and an intensive workshop module for each woman to make an assessment of her God-given gifts. The session was led by Katie Fortune, author of Discover Your God-Given Gifts, who travelled from Washington State to share her 40 years of study and experience in this vital area of understanding for both individuals and collectively. We are to employ our gifts in harmony with our sisters for the common good of the Church and our communities.

Her session was followed by lunch and then the final session, "Spirit-Guided Relationships." This session was a way to start the dialogue on evaluating how we deal with one another over hard questions and challenging conflicts. Pam Redline led this discussion and highlighted how understanding our gifts actually provides vital assistance to improving how we treat one another.

We wrapped up our time together with a closing video from LeeAnn Luker, who commended the women for their dedication to join one another in learning, serving and praying as we all move forward together in the Church. She shared the exciting news that there is now a "Women’s Services" initiative underway at the home office. We give the Father and Jesus Christ all thanks and glory for the weekend of growing together as sisters united in Christ!