United Church of God

The International Sister Congregation Program by Good Works

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The International Sister Congregation Program by Good Works

Over the last year, the Good Works team has worked to expand the value of the Good Works program to better benefit and include more of our membership. The primary purpose of Good Works is to provide an organized way for brethren to help others in the Church who face unusual needs or unanticipated emergency situations. We make these situations known to the Church, and coordinate the distribution of funds that are donated or come from fund raising efforts.

With that primary purpose maintained, we are excited to announce a new facet of Good Works—the International Sister Congregations program. This new program provides hands-on opportunities for members to reach out to international members in non-monetary ways. This program will match participating congregations, where they can begin to establish a growing network within the whole body of the United Church of God, providing brethren a greater sense of international community.

We find this need of community and
brotherhood described by Jesus Christ Himself. “Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world’…Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me’” (Matthew 25:34-40).

Understanding Christ’s admonition, we begin to realize that each member has a personal responsibility to help others. Sometimes that need reaches beyond what a member can individually contribute financially. But in many cases, the need is not monetary and is one that can be accomplished in ways that Christ described in the verses above. Often those needs can be met by brethren helping brethren in organized, practical ways, both nationally and internationally. The International Sister Congregations program has been created to help facilitate such needs.

Some were hungry, others were thirsty, some were strangers, while others were naked. There are other difficult situations in which people may find themselves. And there are ways we can help as well. Some have other physical needs that need to be met. But others need to be comforted or strengthened during difficult times with illness, the loss of a family member or during social upheavals. An individual who lives a lonely life far away from any other brethren of like mind, would certainly appreciate a comforting letter or e-mail once in awhile. Then finally Christ spoke of being imprisoned, which of course can mean people who are incarcerated, but could also include people such as shut-ins and those in other types of isolation from others.

All of us have some measure of need—no matter our situation—and yet all of us have something to give with the spiritual gifts God has blessed us with. And yet regardless of what continent we live on, it’s always easier to take care of our own. But that wasn’t Christ’s admonishment that Matthew recorded for us. Christ wants us focused on the needs of others while supporting and pointing each other to the Kingdom of God.

This program is designed to avoid individual brethren requesting financial assistance from others, since other avenues in Good Works and the church provide a means for aid in these types of situations, but a congregation may still desire to serve their sister congregation in ways that benefit that entire congregation. Examples of this might be to fund a special Night to Be Much Observed or Feast of Tabernacles dinner, to fund a visit by a local member to that international congregation, to sponsor a child or children for summer camp, or to make a friendship quilt or some other expression of friendship unique to your culture. These activities will be organized well, with senior pastors involved in the process.

The International Sister Congregations program provides additional opportunities for those of like mind to develop relationships that they may not otherwise experience. The church has the ability to connect members from across the world through social networking, e-mail, postal letters, study partnerships, photo albums, sharing of children’s artwork, reporting on congregational activities, praying for one another and any number of other possibilities. Most importantly the International Sister Congregations program facilitates the opportunity to build one another up in the faith (1 Thessalonians 5:11), while providing for each other’s personal, social and spiritual needs beyond our local congregations.

The majority of our members will never meet their brothers and sisters in Christ from other countries face-to-face. It is hoped that, with God’s guidance and favor over our enthusiastic participation, the International Sister Congregations program will facilitate bridging the gap created by expansive continental, oceanic, social, political or economic barriers to promote brotherly love and oneness of mind. So as we grow in God’s grace and His knowledge in our thoughts and through existing relationships, let us not forget we have brethren around the globe with whom we may share our lives. We can work from our common shared bond through God’s Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ our Lord, both giving attention and encouragement according to spiritual need.

In the coming weeks, your pastor and elders will be receiving details on how to get a program started in your area. Good Works hopes you will find the International Sister Congregations program ready to assist you locally in developing strong bonds with members around the world.