United Church of God

ABC Alumni Association Makes Plans

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ABC Alumni Association Makes Plans

On May 23, 2012, a group of Ambassador Bible Center (ABC) alumni gathered to discuss an official launch of the ABC Alumni Association. Also in attendance was Randy Stiver, who was appointed to coordinate alumni affairs when he was brought in as an instructor last year at Ambassador Bible Center.

Some of the topics discussed included: funding, a new website, and what the organization has done in the past. One of the points of discussion was how to get in contact with all past ABC alumni and how to get them involved no matter where they live. The association wants to find alumni who have been lost through the years.

One proposed step to include everyone was to have regional and class heads. Also discussed was how it’s important to help past alumni serve in their respective areas. Questions posed included: How can they serve in their areas? How can pastors use new and past alumni? How can alumni put their ABC education to work?

Sabrina Peabody, a 2010 alumna in attendance, said, “We all need to use our talents to serve the Church.” The alumni association wants just that: to reach out to as many alumni as possible and get them involved by serving in their areas and staying connected with other alumni.

On another topic of discussion, Mr. Stiver said, “Bridges of communication need to be in good repair between different organizations.”

The ABC Alumni Association has set out to meet a few goals over the next several months. The Association wants to have as many of the above questions answered and to have a service project up and running quickly. Plans to have a new website up within the next three months are in the works. There are also plans to create a presentation to share at many Feast of Tabernacles sites.

The ABC Alumni Association is also seeking to update the contact information for all alumni. Alumni interested in providing updated information or anyone with questions or comments are encouraged to contact Mark Tannert (mark@tannert.net).