United Church of God

Portland Sabbath Keepers Learn of Holy Days, Donate to LifeNets for Zambian Brethren

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Portland Sabbath Keepers Learn of Holy Days, Donate to LifeNets for Zambian Brethren

Their group “Church of Christians of Seventh Day” includes 600 Sabbath keepers from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan who sought asylum from religious persecution. Arkaedyi’s grandfather actually spent 14 years in Siberia for keeping the Sabbath. They fit in well with our members and attended services on the Sabbath and Eighth Day, even participating with a song and a short sermonette on the Sabbath. They read from Isaiah and explained why they had come. I was able to discuss at length the meaning of God’s Feast days and why we keep them. They knew of the Holy Days, but did not know how they fit into New Covenant worship or why they should be kept.

They were moved by our hospitality and joined the activities, including purchasing fruit and ice cream for family day. They also decided to do wells in two villages for our people instead of one. They invited me to come to Portland to visit with their group. Mr. Kubik is already planning to visit them later this year.

Visit to South Africa

Prior to the Feast, Michelle and I visited South Africa where I was able to tour the office housed in the home of Neil and Isella Wallace and have dinner with Jason and Monique Webster. Growth has been significant as the Good Newsmailing list has gone from 5,000 at the recent split to over 28,000. The Kingdom of God Seminars were some of the highest attended this year. I was able to discuss the recent return of many brethren to UCG after they found out we are not changing doctrines or any of the truths of God.

I spoke on Atonement in Johannesburg prior to departing for Malawi and laid out Christ’s reconciliation plan with all nations when Satan has been removed and Christ begins his Millennial rule. It had been 27 years since I had been in Johannesburg with Herbert Armstrong on his last visit to Africa. It was good to know that God’s Spirit is alive and well with the faithful members in South Africa. May we all seek to esteem one another as we serve Christ in obedience and humility.