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World News and Trends: Pacific island states in deep trouble

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Pacific island states in deep trouble

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We don't often think of Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and other small Pacific island nations as having serious economic and social problems. Many are thought of as vacation and holiday paradises. Yet Australia is trying to help these tiny islands combat crime, tribalism, corruption, prostitution, the spread of HIV/AIDS, serious economic problems and other ills. Of course, not every island is as deeply affected as some others.

The Times published a story showing how "a number of Pacific states['] . . . long-term domestic anguish threatens to become a problem for the entire region" (Dec. 15, 2004). According to this article, Australia has put together a multimillion-pound rescue package involving sending police and an administrative staff, particularly to Papua New Guinea. (Source: The Times [London].)

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