United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Is Life Worth Waiting For?

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Treasure Digest

Is Life Worth Waiting For?

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Modern society allows almost every real or imagined need to be instantly realized. We live in an age of fast food, credit cards and unprecedented access to all kinds of information via the Internet and news media. The message is clear: If you want it, you can have it right NOW (something that definitely appeals to our human nature). If we’re not careful, we too can become sucked into the dangerous tendency to expect instant gratification. Indeed, throughout history many Christians have fallen away because they became tired of waiting for Christ’s return and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

How does the Bible approach the idea of waiting? God has continually shown patience and mercy during His relationship with mankind (1 Peter 3:20). He expects us to follow His example. David, a "man after God’s own heart," did just that (Psalms 27:14; 40:1), and we should too. God in turn provides strength for those who wait on Him (Isaiah 40:31). What kind of attitude should we have while waiting? God wants us to be eagerly anticipating the coming of His Kingdom (Romans 8:23). Those who do this have a place in God’s family and eternal life when Christ returns.

The word waiting often has the connotation of passivity, but people often feel restless and want to do something. Waiting on God is not a passive experience! It is a time to prepare ourselves through prayer, Bible study and fasting. It is a time to serve in the Church and in the community as God builds His character within us. Waiting for God is an active process, and we must do so eagerly and with earnest expectation and trust in the timing of God’s coming Kingdom. Eternal life is most definitely worth the wait!

—Debbie Werner
Portland West, Oregon, congregation

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