United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Be Ready to Give an Answer: Why Don't You Believe in Evolution?

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Be Ready to Give an Answer: Why Don't You Believe in Evolution?

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Whether we study the vast expanses of the universe or the minute inner workings of a single living cell, we see evidence that convinces us it was all designed by a Creator (Romans 1:20; Genesis 1).
Many scientists from Albert Einstein to the present have marveled at the creation. Einstein described a "rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection" (The Quotable Einstein, Alice Calaprice, editor, 1996, page 151).

Complex design: Darwinism says that all life evolved from simple cells by small variations and natural selection. But there is really nothing simple about a "simple" one-celled bacterium like R. coli. In fact, the DNA information in it could fill 100 million pages of an encyclopedia! And scientists are finding that small variations cannot produce complex systems. For example, the biochemical process that turns a photon of light into a signal to the human brain is so irreducibly complex, it could not have developed by a series of small mutations over time (Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, 1996, pages 18-20). There would be no benefit to survival (natural selection) unless the entire intricate process of sight developed all at once. Indeed, scientists have found mutations to be harmful to a species, not helpful.

Defining evolution: While "microevolution," the slight changes within a species that shows the variety within the gene pool, has been demonstrated; scientists have never provided evidence of macroevolution. The fossil record—which Darwin thought would show simple life forms changing into more-complex forms and countless transitional links between kinds of creatures—shows complex life forms suddenly appearing with no evolutionary predecessors and no transitional links.

The conflict is not between science and the Bible, but between the materialistic philosophy that underlies Darwin's theory and the evidence for intelligent design. Since the evolutionary philosophy begins with the assumption that everything must have a natural, physical explanation, it by definition rejects any evidence of supernatural design. But many scientists have found that the scientific evidence of the fossil record, genetics, biochemistry, probability and other fields shows that Darwin's processes of variations and natural selection could not have produced the world we see.

For More Information, request our free brochures Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? and Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? You can read or request them at www.ucg.org/booklets. They also list a number of recent books with further scientific evidence

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