United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Festival Choirs

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Treasure Digest

Festival Choirs

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For those who've been blessed with a voice that can carry a tune, plan to sing in the choir at the Feast site you'll be attending. There is a sacrifice of time to learn the music and rehearse as a group, but what wonderful benefits all will reap from your participation! You will be building unity within the Body of Christ as you bond with others working together for a common goal of service through music.

Long-lasting friendships are often begun while meeting regularly during the Feast for rehearsals. Even more joyful are the reunions in future years when your paths cross once again. God is pleased and blesses your efforts of doing what He expects of us.

There can be many challenges, perhaps even obstacles to participation, but most can be overcome with some prayerful planning. Young children can make attending early morning practices difficult. Some spouses are willing to support the choir by their service in caring for the children while the other spouse carpools to the rehearsals. One family that we met at the Feast alternated years to serve, so that each would have the opportunity to do so every other year.

Some have been blessed to have grandparents who were willing to help out, and some even have "Feast grandparents"—friends who help watch children during the choir practices so that parents can participate.

Some children grow up in the Church learning to be involved because they see their parents serving by praising God. Children have benefited from parental relationships with others in the choirs and orchestras, and the kids have observed the teamwork within the family. This can cultivate a desire to share and develop their spark of talent too.

It is amazing how quickly the example pays off! The children anxiously await the time that they're old enough to sing in the children's choir, and as soon as they are too old for the children's choir, they realize that they have a place in the adult choir. It becomes a naturally accepted sequence.

It is truly a joy to work together to praise and worship God as a family. This is another way of giving honor back to God, since it is God who is forming us into His family. Praising God will become a way of life for the children, and they will, in turn, pass it on to their children. In this way we are creating a godly legacy for them.

Finally, it's important to realize we would not even know how to worship God if He did not show us how and when and why and who should do it.

How? With voice and with instruments. When? On His Holy Days. Why? He commands us to rejoice, and music causes unity in rejoicing. Who? Everyone who has been invited to attend and "has breath" should praise the Lord! How good and how pleasant it is indeed.

"What's the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding" (1 Corinthians 14:15).

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