United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Spiritual Attention Deficit

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Treasure Digest

Spiritual Attention Deficit

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I was busily trying to accomplish my seemingly never-ending "to do" list, and everything needed to be done before lunchtime! Nothing was being fully completed—only partially done jobs were staring back at me.

I stopped in my tracks. Wait one minute here—is my spiritual list the same way? Do I stay focused on the priorities, or am I fluttering all over like a butterfly, not seeming to accomplish anything?

As I was pondering this, I realized that just like a mental attention deficit disorder, we can also suffer from spiritual attention deficit.

Spiritual focusing is extremely important for God's family. His chosen people must keep their focus (write your own name in John 15:16). Our priority must be entering the Kingdom to serve. We know that keys to achieving this include focusing on daily Bible study, prayer and occasional fasting. But, with the daily lists of things to do, this focus can easily slip.

Praying is essential to everyone who breathes air; unfortunately, focusing can be a problem at times (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Some may find it helpful to keep several index cards where they normally pray. One card can be a list of people who need our prayers. It is very difficult to remember every prayer request unless we write it down.

We can also include the names of the families who are serving abroad, the home office staff, the Council of Elders, ABC teachers and students, Feast of Tabernacles sites, etc. It is nice to have a "prayer cheat sheet" of names.

Another card can be used for things that come to mind to do while praying. So often when praying for an individual or an activity, we will remember to send a note or make an encouraging phone call or possibly volunteer. It can be forgotten very quickly if we don't jot it down.

You may want to pray before starting your Bible study. Ask our Great Creator to bless your focusing, reading and meditating, to place the Scriptures in your heart and to help you learn the very most with your time. Remember, our elder brother Jesus Christ walked this earth. He remembers how easy it is to flutter and not focus. He will see us through.

Trying to set a day aside for fasting can be a challenge at times. Schedule these days ahead of time so you are sure to get them in. Pray fervently for God to guide you through the fast, starting a few days ahead of the actual day. Ask God to help your thoughts to be His thoughts throughout the day (Isaiah 55:8-9).

God would love to help us with our spiritual focus by simplifying our lives and prioritizing according to His will. The list that I mentioned at the beginning, did it all really have to be done by lunchtime? Without a doubt, some of it could have waited. Ask your loving Father where you can simplify your life, what projects or ideas aren't absolutely necessary. God would love for us to take the time to smell the roses and to enjoy the creation that He has designed for our good.

God will bless us with the power to remain focused spiritually, and He will pour peace upon us when we ask.

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