United Church of God

Treasure Digest It's Not Fair

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Treasure Digest It's Not Fair

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It's one of the first sentences many of us learned to say as our siblings were getting the better end of the deal: "It's not fair!"

Those words became all too clear for my daughter, Michelle. She had her car parked in a very nice neighborhood, but when she went to get her car, the glass was smashed in and all her Feast photos were taken, along with everything else of value that they could find.

It was not a week later that Michelle had her car stolen right in front of her house! The police called her a week later and said they had found her car, and she had to go to pay $100 to get it out of the impound. The thief took her car for a joyride, trashed the car, burned out the clutch and now she had to pay to get it back!

What made matters worse was that the insurance would not cover the damage. My daughter spent over $1,000 repairing the damage out of her own pocket. Because of the theft, my daughter decided she had to move to a higher rent area.

Where are the crooks? Probably free and stealing from someone else! Is life fair? Ask my daughter.

A few days later, in a moment of despair, Michelle found that all was not lost. While cleaning the trash out of her car, she reached underneath the front seat and found her most prized possession. All scrunched up and with its pages twisted, she found her Bible that she had thought was stolen too. The thief took her valuable pen, but kicked her Bible under the seat.

Of all the things that she thought were gone, that was the one thing she wanted back. The thief took everything but the most valuable thing of all, the Bible that holds the truth that will keep her focused and pressing on when things are just not fair.

Life is not fair, but my daughter's Bible helped put everything in focus for me and for her. God has given us something that no one can take from us, His valuable truth and promises.

God is just! He sees everything that you and I are going through. He does not forget! Hebrews 10:30-31 says, "For we know Him who said, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says the Lord. And again, 'The Lord will judge His people.' It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

Life is not fair, and we do get kicked in the stomach from time to time, but we must get back up and press on toward the mark. For God will make it all come out OK in His time. In the meantime, just as my daughter put great value on her Bible, we too must put everything in perspective and place great value on His promises. We must always remember that no one can take away the promises and truth that God holds out to all of us who love Him and keep His commandments! No one can take our crowns unless we let them.

We may not have control over everything that happens to us, and we all will suffer many unfair things before it is all over, but we do have control over whether we get discouraged and quit!

Press on! For there is a world coming where life will be fair, and you will have the opportunity to use those unfair things that have happened to you for the good of mankind.

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