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World News and Trends: Peace process kills Israelis

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Peace process kills Israelis

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World News and Trends: Peace process kills Israelis

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The Oct. 4, 2010, issue of National Review shared an insight about incongruity in the Palestinian peace process: "Each time the dying embers of the peace process with the Palestinians rekindle, some Israelis are sure to lose their lives" (p. 10).

Human history confirms that human beings rarely come to peace on their own, though both sides might have good intentions.

"So while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington doing his best to dance to President Obama's tune and reach some accord with Mahmoud Abbas for the Palestinians, gunmen on a highway in the West Bank were ready to ambush Israelis. They shot and killed Talia and Yitzhak Ames, parents of six children with a seventh near to term, and two [other] people.

"The gunmen have got a lock on the situation. If they force Netanyahu to break off negotiations, they have achieved what they want, and if he plows on regardless, he looks desperately weak. And either way, there's another reason for them to celebrate more dead Israelis" (ibid).

The roots of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict go back 4,000 years. Your Bible shows that there will never be true peace in the Middle East until after the second coming of Jesus Christ, when God's peace will pervade the Middle East and the entire world. At that time the reins of government will no longer be in the hands of human beings (Daniel 2:44). (Source: National Review.)

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