United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Planning a Garden of Growth

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Treasure Digest

Planning a Garden of Growth

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When we plant a garden in the spring, we generally have an end result in mind that we are anxiously waiting for. Do you anticipate a bumper crop of beans, juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, fresh leaf lettuce or maybe fragrant roses?

As we view our spiritual garden, we must also ask, "What are the end results that I am anxiously waiting for?" We must carefully choose good seed, such as seedlings from Galatians 5:22-23.

Soil preparation is important. Once I bought an inexpensive potting soil. Unfortunately, the company had not sterilized the soil. I had geraniums with weeds growing in the same containers. Each was vying for the nutrients that were needed for proper growth.

Many professionals encourage soil tests. These tests show what nutrients are needed in the soil for proper growth and productivity. As Christians preparing for a year of growth, examining our own soil content is extremely important (Matthew 13:1-43). Do I have an acid attitude? Where am I spiritually undernourished?

Your spiritual garden plan will change from year to year, depending on what the previous year has brought. I would encourage you to draw your plan on a piece of paper, remembering the end results that you are anxiously waiting for. Prayerfully label the items that you need to remove: fear, manipulation, rejection, etc. This garden plan can also list activities, places and events that will be helpful for productive growth and harvesting.

We are still human, so remember to leave a corner of your garden for relaxation and fun. If this isn't planned, it might not occur.

Your plan can help you throughout the year; growth will be more abundant as you know what you are working for (James 1:22; Philippians 4:9).

As we meditate and repent from the past year's weeds that crept into our gardens (Galatians 5:19-21), we need to consider what we need for a maintenance program in our spiritual gardens.

God gives us each time to grow; He is a very patient God (Luke 13:6-9). Use your time wisely for a year of great spiritual productivity!

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  • clydjh
    It is so important to be spiritually fruitful. It seems that in all my 85 years, this has not been emphasised as it should be. We are told to add to our faith and to give all diligence to that effort. The thing everyone is being told in todays world is that all you have to do for salvation is to believe. It is true that without faith it is impossible to please God but what is lacking is the fact that Faith is merely the foundation upon which salvation is attained. The word is defined as the substance of things hoped for and the word substance breaks down into Sub = under and stance = stand. So faith is that which stands under or supports as a foundation to be built upon. It is not the end but only the beginning of salvation. We are told to diligently add to our faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, Godliness, brotherly kindness and love for these things make us fruitful unto the Lord. As James said this allows us to show our faith by our fruits or works of the spirit. On the flip side of the coin Jesus has a warning that every tree that fails to bring forth good fuit is hewn down and cast into the fire. It is the narrow way but much safer than the broad way of "Faith only.
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