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Tracking the Tribes Through Migrations and Maps

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Tracking the Tribes Through Migrations and Maps

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In this third article of our "Tribe Tracker" series, we begin to map the migrations of the so-called "lost 10 tribes of Israel." In the previous articles we have learned by what names the various tribal groups were known and how they are identified today based on incredible prophecies of the past. Plus we have seen the value of archaeology and even art history in the tracking process. (To read these articles, visit "The Tribe Tracker's Guide to the Future" and "Telltale Tracks in More Names, Languages, Archaeology and Art History.")

The nation of Israel

God chose the ancient nation of Israel to be an example for all other people. He gave them great blessings and expected high standards of worship and conduct from them. When they persistently rebelled against His leadership, He repeated warned them before punishing them.

The modern nation state of Israel consists of only a fraction of the tribal descendents. In fact many modern nations descended from the original 12 tribes. We are focusing on the great wandering of the 10 northern tribes who were never known as Jews in history. One of those tribes, Joseph, is the ancestor of the United States and British nations today. Other tribes spawned certain of the modern, northwest European nations.

Assyria takes 10 tribes captive

From 740 to about 720 B.C., the empire of ancient Assyria located in what is now Iraq and Iran conquered and deported all 10 of the northern tribes of Israel. They marched the beaten captives into exile from Israel's northern and eastern borders. They also drafted many able-bodied men of these tribes into their army and positioned them on the Assyrian frontiers as buffers between themselves and neighboring enemies.

The Bible explains how Assyria transported and resettled the 10 tribes of Israel: "Now the king of Assyria went throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria and besieged it for three years…the king of Assyria took Samaria and carried Israel away to Assyria, and placed them in Halah and by the Habor, the River of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes" (2 Kings 17:5-6).

The Israelites were mostly known by variations of what the Assyrians called them: Khumri or Ghomri, which also came out as Gimira and Cimmerians. Others were known by their ancestor Isaac's name as Saka or Scythia.

Here's how the tribe-tracking story unfolded over the last 2,700 years.

A critical, directional prophecy

Because they sinned, God gave the 10 tribes the "boot" from the land of Israel. But He had plans for them yet. God had promised Abraham that He would give his children the Israelites some fine new homelands eventually.

"I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you," God told the great patriarch. He promised the same for Abraham's beautiful wife Sarah: "And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be from her" (Genesis 17:6, 16).

What a family Abraham and Sarah started! The single nation of ancient Israel produced numerous nations descended from her 12 tribes thousands of years later in our day. Tracking these tribes in the Bible is easy, but we are now tracking them through history from their captivity forward to now.

Where did the tribes go? Let's look at a key, directional prophecy talking about where God will bring Israel back from at Christ's return. "Surely these shall come from afar; look! Those from the north and the west, and these from the land of Sinim" (Isaiah 49:12). In the Bible, unless otherwise noted, all directions are oriented to Jerusalem. So the tracks must ultimately head north and west which they do.

This is a compass bearing for the modern nations of Israelite origin: follow the landmass to the northwest. The tribes now grown into nations are located in northwest Europe and beyond to North America and elsewhere.

Parts of the tribes immediately went northwest; others waited a few centuries in the east in what is now Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and even up to the outer borders of China before they migrated west and north.

650 B.C. Scythian and Cimmerian dispersion

The Scythians and Cimmerians were both groupings of the tribes of Israel. Assyria drafted a number into its armies soon after the captivity. They rose to some power in the empire and finally had an opportunity to help bring down their former oppressor before 600 B.C. Quite early, elements of the Cimmerians migrated west across Asia Minor (today's Turkey) conquering or fighting whoever stood in their path until they linked and merged with the Celts already in northwest Europe and Britain. The Celts were kinsmen Israelites who had migrated centuries earlier to found trade and mining colonies.

300 B.C. Alexander's empire and the tribes; Celts in Britain

Alexander the Great gave Greece and Macedonia their day in the sun, but he died early leaving the four divisions of his empire to four major generals (which is also a fulfilled prophecy described in Daniel 8, especially verses 8 and 21-22). His push caused many Scythians to migrate into Armenia and north around the Black Sea to Europe. He also hastened ongoing migrations of Cimmerians further into northwest Europe where they were called Celts by the Greeks and Gauls by the Romans. Some of the highly mobile eastern Scythians, the Saka or Sacae, moved north and temporarily east, harassing the borders of China.

150 B.C. Parthian Empire; Gauls in France

The Roman Republic had grown powerful and was often in conflict with various elements of the Gauls (their name for Celts) to their north. But the one power that Rome could never conquer was the Parthian Empire.

The Scythian-Celtic connection to the lost tribes is well-established in our booklet The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. Other tribal trails are more challenging to trace, and not everyone interested in tracking the tribes comes to the same conclusions. However, Israeli Talmudic scholar Yair Davidy, in his book The Tribes: The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples, presents convincing evidence about other groups that eventually migrated into Europe. Some of these may also have been, or included, displaced Israelites.

Citing Chinese histories and the geographic work of Ortellius (1570) who drew maps based on legendary, ancient sources, Mr. Davidy tells the story of Parthia and her neighboring tribes (The Tribes, pp. 92-94). Parthia started as a kingdom of Scythians at the south end of the Caspian Sea and began to flex its muscle about 250 B.C. Allied with other Scythian and Saka groupings, they built an empire controlling all trade on the Silk Road to China. In 54 B.C. Rome lost an entire legion fighting a much smaller army of mounted Parthian archers.

One tribal grouping near the border of China was the Massagetae, which the Chinese called Yueh-Chi. Climate changes in Siberia and pressure from the Huns (also on the borders of China) began to push the Yueh-Chi southwest toward Parthia. Elements of the tribes were repopulating Scandinavia by this time too. They were called the Gutones or Teutons.

A.D. 150 Parthian Empire at its apex

The Parthian Empire at its apex ruled many peoples, including the Persians, who revolted and seized power in 226. Most histories say the Parthians then simply disappeared from history. They "disappeared" by migrating north and west just like all the other elements of the Israelite tribes had been doing for centuries. (ibid., p. 198)

The Roman Empire was also at its zenith, ruling the Gauls in France and the Celtic Brythons in Britain. Various tribal groupings were populating northern Europe. In Scandinavia the Gutones became known as the Goths of the west (Visigoths). The Yueh-Chi or Guti or Getae also began to be known as the eastern Goths, the Ostrogoths (ibid., p. 179).

A.D. 300 Goths on fringes of Roman Empire

Nearly all parts of the tribes had tracked west into Europe from Asia. The Scythian and Cimmerian titles gave way to numerous Israelite tribal and clan names.

Known then generally as Goths, they were massing on the northern borders of the Roman Empire. Rome faced a gathering storm from those they called barbarians, but who were increasingly well organized and preparing to settle in their new homelands north and west of Jerusalem.

A.D. 500 The fall of Rome and the rise of the tribes in Europe

Various tribal groups including the Heruli, Vandals, Visigoths and Ostrogoths overran Rome several times, but with finality in 476. Saxons (the final form of Sacae, Saka, Sacasone or Scythians), with the aid of the Angles and Jutes, also invaded Britain. Soon other tribal clans from ancient Israel began to settle in areas that would assume nation status over the next 500 years. Their modern national names include Ireland, Great Britain (and the nations to grow from her main colonies like the United States, Canada, Australia, etc.), France, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Historical maps are a boon to tribe trackers. These are based on early maps and histories of ancient and classical geographer-historians like Herodotus (5th century B.C.), the elder and younger Plinys (1st century), Ptolemy (2nd century) and other sources (see sources below). Also to learn more about this vital topic, be sure to request or download your free copy of The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.

Why track tribes?

Too much of Christianity discounts the value of Bible history and of prophecy, which is history revealed in advance. As a young, vertical-thinking tribe tracker, very likely your educational institution has discounted the value of studying history. But perhaps you are beginning to see how important it is to know something of where you and others have come fromand then to see where we are all going.

Sir Winston Churchill, famous British prime minister and prolific historian, summed up the study of history: "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see."

In the final installment of the "Tribe Tracker's Guide to the Future," we will see what great things God has in store for the tribes of Israel and for every other tribe ever to live in history. That future has all to do with the Kingdom of God. Don't miss it!

The Tribes, by Yair Davidy, 1999.
The Penguin Atlas of Ancient History, by Colin McEvedy, 1967.
Oxford Atlas of World History, Patrick K. O'Brien, editor, 1999.
Atlas of Classical History, by Michael Grant, 1994.
Bible Mapbook, by Simon Jenkins, 1985.
Romans and Barbarians, by Derek Williams, 1999.
The Barbarian West, by J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, 1962.

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  • Shem

    We keep talking about these blessings and migration patterns. Why don't you discuss the curses in liviticus? Have any of your forefathers have to go through what was mentioned in those scriptures? I don't believe so. I'm sure that mine did, because they were slaves of another land a few decades ago. The real tribes of Israel are the negros.

  • Clive

    Hi Randy
    You are no doubt aware that National Geographic conduct a DNA study of the worlds population to trace movement of people over time.
    Its called the Genographic Project..
    I took part by supplying a DNA sample to them for an individual report.
    I am from English roots with a French paternalistic line.
    Guess what it showed...
    I have the map they compiled for me and it clearly shows my DNA Group as having migrated from the Middle East all the way East to present Northern Iran and then back to Northern Western Europe and Southern England .
    I regard this as proof of the Israelite captivity by the Assyrians and eventual settlement in England/France.
    They have extensive facts on the North American Indians movements.

  • Randy Stiver

    Hello again Clive,

    Very interesting. Your DNA map sounds like a migration map for most of the lost 10 tribes of Israel. I'd love to see a copy. -- Randy Stiver

  • Aaron Booth
    To learn more about God's promises to Abraham and his descendants - I would suggest going through the Bible study aid "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy?" at http://www.ucg.org/booklet/united-states-and-britain-bible-prophecy/ . Another interesting resource is the ebook study aid The Throne of Britain: Its Biblical Origin and Future at http://www.ucg.org/ebooklet/throne-britain-its-biblical-origin-and-future/ You should also search "12 tribes of israel today" here on the ucg.org website. Here is a direct link to that search result: http://www.ucg.org/search/gss?query=12%20tribes%20of%20israel%20today
  • embee48_2015
    I would like to see some information on the 12 tribes of Judah and who they are in relationship to our society today.
  • fireflyfree311

    Judah is only 1 of the 12 tribes. 2 Are known today, Judah and Benjamin. The other 10 are lost. That is what this article is talking about, the 10 lost tribes that nobody knows where they are, as God scattered them among the nations. He said due to disobedience. He would scatter them, and take away their sabbath day worship as well.

  • Randy Stiver

    Hello Maleesa, You are right that God punished the 10 tribes because of their disobedience, sending them into Assryian captivity by 720 BC. Likewise, He also punished Judah, Benjamin (and don't forget, most of the tribe of Levi from which came the priesthood). By 586 BC, they were in Babylonian captivity. However, God also fulfilled Gen. 49:1 and the whole chapter. He prophesied through Jacob what would happen to all the tribes--including the lot 10--"in the last days." The individual tribal prophecies in that chapter and elsewhere provide clues as to where the tribes would be near the end of this age (from before 1800 up to now). Leading the prophetic fulfillments, the tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) would dominate the world leading up to the end of the age (Gen. 48 & 49, Deut. 33:13-17). In Gen. 22:12, God told Abraham "In Isaac your seed shall be called." The historical etymology of Isaac leads to Scythians, Saka, Sacasone, and finally to the Saxons--who were the primary stock of England and later America. The other tribes can similarly be tracked down to our time today. As always, I appreciate your interest in this important topic! - Randy Stiver

  • lilly

    How do we know if we are descendants of one of the Israelite tribes? My cousin claims that we are descendants of the Tribe of Benjamin. How can I prove that?

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Lilliam,
    It would be hard (currently) to prove that anyone was a descendant of a particular tribe of Israel. But when we look at the promises made to the spiritual children of God and the fact that this designation is intended to last for all remaining eternity, that makes me want to strive valiantly to be included in that family!

  • Robyngia

    My distant family member was Rabbi Akiva who lived around 100 AD. From that info can you tell me which tribe my family is from?

  • DanielSnedden
    Gary, Thanks for the links. I was able to download them including the sermons. Great information!
  • gauvinj
    Thank you Randy Stiver for your research and Gary Burke for the links. It looks like I am a direct decedent of Abraham after all. That's good to know.
  • Lena VanAusdle
    Clinton, It is true that Abraham had several sons, however the promises from God were to go through his son Isaac, grandson Jacob and his 12 great-grandchildren. That is why the focus of this article, as well as many genealogical studies, is on the 12 tribes. While it would be cool to tie the families together through DNA, it's not necessary to know and understand prophecy.
  • Clinton L. Blue

    Has anyone in UCG evaluated Y-dna as a source to confirm the paper trails that we have of these migrations? There is now enough genetic information available to make an excellant study.
    There are too few experts in the field of genealogy who correctly interpret some of the information that they themselves have discovered regarding people migrations. They also incorrectly interpret historical periods, giving too much time to some events.
    One blatent error that some are making is in calling the Cohen line of Levi Jewish.
    Some do not take into consideration that Abraham had eight sons. Others do not try to account for the twelve sons of Jacob.
    I would like to see all the information about Abraham's descendants pulled together via dna.

  • Gary Burke

    This is article 3 of 3 in a series. Here are the links to all three articles in the series; (Links verified Sept. 2012)

    Article 1 of 3;


    Article 2 of 3;


    Article 3 of 3;


    This information has also been given in a bible study recorded in .mp3 audio format. The links to that are below;

    Audio bible study presentation 1 of 2;

    Audio bible study presentation 2 of 2;


  • dundonrl

    If only the United States, Great Britain KNEW who they were, how different things would be...

  • katbird_27

    wow! I am of norwegian and british heritage. its pretty cool to see that most likely i am of hebrew origin too.

  • Derek Strauss

    Fascinating stuff! It will be a wonderful day when all the tribes of Israel realise who they really are, and become united under King David!

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