United Church of God

The Seven Elements of the Zone: Introduction

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The Seven Elements of the Zone


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One of the core principles of the United Youth Camps teen program is the “Seven Elements of the Zone.” What exactly is the Zone?

The Zone is the environment in which God changes people’s lives. It reflects the coming Kingdom of God on this earth during the rule of Jesus Christ as King of Kings. Learning about God and developing a closer relationship with Him is the goal. Camp is like a pre-millennial environment where put-downs are not allowed and where there is respect for others. The Zone is based on the laws of God in action—love toward God and love toward people. God’s way of life is lived at camp, and it works!

The Zone environment has worked for years—19 to be exact—at all camps in the UYC network. At camper orientation we tell the campers they “own the Zone!” And they do. The campers and staff love this special atmosphere, which inspires and protects them and their friends emotionally all week while at camp.

Even though the Zone is well known by those who attend camp, the teen camp directors across the country (five summer camps and one winter camp) thought everyone would like to know the elements of the Zone as well. Actually, these seven elements can be adapted nicely to the family environment.

The accompanying article, “Elements of the Zone: 1—Positive Relationships,” is the first of seven articles that will explain what these elements include and why they are key operating principles of camp. Each element is based on God’s law of love and service to others.

At camp we base our week of instruction and activity on what God states in Deuteronomy 6:5-7: “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

So camp (and our lives in general for that matter) is about applying God’s laws each hour of each day. And this pays rich dividends in our camp relationships as we work in harmony with these spiritual goals in mind.

As always, the United Youth Camp program is appreciative of the support of parents, staff, campers and all the membership in this collective effort to teach the precious truths of God to His youth.

To learn more about the elements of the Zone please click on the following links:

The Seven Elements of the Zone: #1 Positive Relationships

The Seven Elements of the Zone: #2 Inclusiveness 

The Seven Elements of the Zone: #3 The Zone Challenge

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