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Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 11

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Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 11

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Faithful King David died when he was 70 years old, after ruling over Israel for 40 years.  (2 Samuel 5:4)

His 10th son Solomon, was then ordained as the new King over Israel, and God asked Solomon what would he like God to give him?  (1 Kings 3:5)

Solomon did not ask God to give him money and to make him wealthy.

Instead, Solomon prayed and asked God to give him understanding and wisdom, so he could rule wisely and responsibly over God’s people, and not make dreadful mistakes. (1 Kings 3:7-9)

God was so pleased with Solomon’s request for wisdom, because he didn’t ask for selfish things.  So, God made him the wisest man that ever lived.  He also blessed him with lots of gold, diamonds, silver and great riches.  God even promised he could have long life, if Solomon would keep God’s laws.  (1 Kings 3:10-14)

The name Solomon means “peaceable” and God also called him “Jedidiah” which means “beloved of the Lord”.  (2 Samuel 12:25, Nehemiah 13:26)

During Solomon’s reign he built the 1st great Temple to God, in Jerusalem. (1 Kings 8:13)

One time, 2 women squabbled over a baby. Each of them claimed it was their baby.

So, Solomon said: “Take the baby and divide it in two with my sword and give each half to the women.” One of the women said: “Ok, do it.” The other lady cried and pleaded with Solomon: “No! No! Do not hurt this precious baby! Just give it to the other woman.”

Solomon wisely said: “Very well. Take the baby and give it to the woman who pleaded for its life and who is prepared to lose it in order to save its life. For she is the baby’s true and loving mother.” (1 Kings 3:16-27)

Naturally, from very wise judgments like this one, Solomon’s fame spread everywhere, and people like the Queen of Sheba travelled many, many miles, just to hear Solomon’s wisdom. A lot of Solomon’s wisdom was written by him and put into 3 little books in the Bible.

“You too, can read Solomon’s wisdom today, our child, in Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of  Solomon”, says Nanna. “Do you remember how Grandad explained how to read Psalms by the date method, in our last chapter?

Well you can do the same thing, reading Proverbs by whatever date it is, in each month. For, example if it is the 7thday of the month, then just read Chapter 7 of Proverbs. On the 8thday of the month read Chapter 8 of Proverbs. Chapter 9 on the 9thday of the month, etc,.

Because there are 31 chapters of Proverbs, you will be able to read all of the chapters in one month! If you can’t do that sometimes, it doesn’t matter, because you can just pick up Proverbs and read the chapter that is the same as the date of the month, you are on, ok?”

“Yes, so true Nanna. Just imagine how much wisdom you can learn by reading Proverbs by the date method”, says Grandad. “It certainly has helped Nanna and I to make wise decisions in our lives.”

Sadly, Solomon didn’t always live by the wisdom that God gave him, but at the end of his life, he wisely said:

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear (love and respect) God, and keep His commandments. For this is the whole duty of man.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good, or whether evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

After Solomon died at about 69 years of age, his son Rehoboam ruled over all of Israel for a very short time. But Rehoboam did not listen to his elderly advisors. He listened to his young foolish friends, who told him to get more money by taxing the people, much more than his father Solomon ever did. (1 Kings 12:6-11)

As a result an idol worshipping bad man called Jeroboam, caused a rebellion by 10 of the tribes of Israel, and he became their King.

Very sadly, the nation of Israel became divided and Rehoboam ruled over Judah, Benjamin and Levi, from Jerusalem in the Southern Kingdom.  Jeroboam ruled over the other 10 tribes in the Northern Kingdom, from Shechem.

Jeroboam led his people into idolatry and away from the true God. He had them keep pagan festivals and not keep God’s appointed Holy Days.

Many more kings followed Jeroboam and ruled the northern 10 tribes of Israel.  They were all evil kings. Finally the 10 tribes of Israel were attacked and taken into captivity by the Assyrians.

Also in the southern Kingdom of Judah, after Rehoboam died, many kings were evil, but some of them tried to seek God and follow God.

Whenever the people had a good king, they would have blessings and good times, but when they had a bad king, the people would have lots of troubles, droughts and war.

God sent many prophets to warn the kings and the people, that they would be attacked and go into captivity, if they didn’t repent, turn and change and seek God.

They also prophesied that one day, Jesus Christ would come as the Son of God, and give his life to pay the death penalty for our sins.  Then, they prophesied how Jesus would come again and rule over the whole Earth in God’s Kingdom. (Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 53:1-5, Zechariah 14:1-21)

But, the people wouldn’t listen to God’s faithful prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

So, because of their many sins, even the Southern Kingdom of Judah was eventually attacked by the Babylonians and went into captivity under their king Nebuchadnezzar. (Jeremiah 32:31-36)

One of the young men taken into captivity in Babylon was Daniel, who loved God and kept God’s commandments and laws of living. Daniel was a prince from the royal family.  He and his friends were chosen to be trained up in the ways of governing in Babylon.  (Daniel 1:3-4)

Nebuchadnezzar made Daniel his Prime Minister over all of Babylon, because Daniel was the wisest man, guided by God. Daniel was able to reveal the king’s dream about a great image, with a huge rock smashing it to pieces.

The image of a giant man, had a head of gold, chest of silver, hips of brass, and legs of iron with its two feet and 10 toes mixed of iron and clay.  (Daniel 2:27-45)

God revealed the symbolism of Nebuchadnezzar’s dreamed image, to represent all of the Satan inspired empires to come.  Then Jesus Christ is to come like a giant rock and will destroy all of Satan’s evil empires. Jesus will then set up God’s Kingdom that will last forever. (Daniel 2:44)

These empires in order were the Babylonian (head of gold), Medes & Persians (chest of silver), Greek (hips of brass), and the Roman Empire (2 iron legs of East and West and feet & 10 toes of iron and clay). 

We are currently living in the time just before the final resurrection of the 10th Roman Empire (“10thHorn”).  We await the “Beast” leader to rule over 10 major regions and leaders of Europe.  The final False Prophet in Europe will do Satan inspired miracles to deceive many people and cause them to follow the “Beast” leader of the “King of the North” – Europe.  (Daniel 7:7-8, Daniel 7:20-22, Daniel 11)

Daniel was also inspired by God to prophesy about a coming union of Arab nations, which he called the “King of the South”.

He prophesied how the King of the North and the King of the South, will have a huge battle and the King of the North, which is the Beast leader of Europe and his False Prophet, will have his armies take over in Jerusalem and the middle east countries like Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. (Daniel 11:40-43)

Later, Jesus inspired the Apostle John to prophesy about how a huge Gog and Magog army, from China to Russia and Iran (Persia), of over 200 million soldiers will attack the Beast leader’s European army. (Revelation 9:16-18, Revelation 16:12, Ezekiel 38:2, Ezekiel 38:5-6)

So many people will die, that Jesus Christ will come to this Earth on his white horse, and powerfully like a giant rock, with ten thousands of His faithful saints to crush the evil armies of Satan and the Beast leader, just as Daniel prophesied to King Nebuchadnezzar.  (Revelation 19:11,  Daniel 2:44, Jude 1:14-15)

Jesus Christ will then establish the Government of God on this Earth and there will be wonderful peace and happiness for everyone for 1,000 years in the Kingdom of God.  (Revelation 20:4-6, Revelation 5:10, Daniel 7:18, Daniel 7:27)

“Won’t that be a wonderful time to look forward to, our child?” says Nanna.

“Yes, it surely will be a very happy peaceful time for everyone”, says Grandad. “I can hardly wait!”

To be continued in Chapter 12...