Proverbs: Better to Have a Little

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Better to Have a Little

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“It's better to obey the LORD and have only a little, than to be very rich and terribly confused [by disobeying God]” (Proverbs 15:16, CEV).

This verse is a reminder that a person can, like Esau, sell his physical and spiritual birthright for a dish of lentil soup (a symbol of material things), but he will not have ultimate satisfaction with what he possesses.

While God does promise that if we obey Him He will bless us (Exodus 20:12) our most vaulable "asset" is in having the knowledge of God's way of life. Indeed, several of the parables of Jesus Christ emphasize seeking the treasure of the coming Kingdom of God (Matthew 13:44-46).

Is obeying God your priority? If not, what can you do to re-prioritize?

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