Proverbs: Children With Good Sense

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Children With Good Sense

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“Children with good sense make their parents happy, but foolish children are hateful to them” (Proverbs 15:20, CEV).

Children can be a long-term delight or torment to their parents. How they are brought up will determine how they become as adults, and how they treat their parents. Yet, children also have an increasing responsibility as they mature to choose what is right.

This is similar to how we are to obey God's calling. If we respond to that calling, repenting, becoming baptized, and receiving God's Holy Spirit, then we have the opportunity to be trained by God, as our Father. But if we reject or take lightly that calling, then we reject God. In the biblical story, people who reject or belittle God do not end well. 

The choice should be obvious, to follow and obey God is to thrive and to become part of the resurrected Family of God, why would we choose any other avenue that offers so little in comparison?

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