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Home Sweet Home

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Some dwell in small houses, some in large mansions and some in condominiums. Some have no place they can actually call home. Some are never satisfied and continually look to “upgrade.” Such was the case of the farmer who wanted to build bigger barns (Luke 12:17-21). A house or mansion does not make a “home.” A home is something that we make over time, while a house is something we can build or buy. When we learn to be content with what we have, we have a home (Hebrews 13:5). 

Being content with what we have does not mean we stop trying to improve—it means that while we continue to develop, change and grow in our lives, we do so with joy and happiness. If we have learned to be content, we will be happy in a cave. Worry, stress, confusion and anger are not to be found in a “home.” Some say home is where you come for shelter from the world and its troubles. Stay busy and make your home—money cannot buy that special place, no matter where we live. 

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