United Church of God

Accepting God’s Mercy and Forgiveness

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Accepting God’s Mercy and Forgiveness

MP3 Audio (8.07 MB)


Accepting God’s Mercy and Forgiveness

MP3 Audio (8.07 MB)

As we prepare for the Passover season and the holy days we often come to face our regrets and we can’t really forgive ourselves for the sins we have committed. We say we know God has forgiven us but we just can’t accept the fact that God can forgive the things we have done against Him. We all struggle with our past sins and realizing we are still sinners. Sin leaves damaged people. Sin is not fair. It does different damage to different people. Sin destroys us and damages our relationship with God and other people. In this sermon Mr. Gary Petty covers four root causes of why we can’t forgive ourselves.

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