United Church of God

Compass Check: Summer 2015

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In This Issue

  • by Victor Kubik
Welcome to the first issue of Compass Check! We hope that you will enjoy the articles and features we want to share with you.
  • by Steve Nutzman
My father and I used to hunt deer together in the state of Idaho where I grew up. It was “male bonding time” with my dad, which I really enjoyed. Early one morning as we were hunting for mule deer, my father turned to me with a rather surprised expression on his face and told me we were lost! Lost? How could this have happened?
  • by Brittany Hynes
Summer brings a wealth of opportunities to travel, learn new things, and have fun—but one of the best things about summer is camp season! Being a camper is an experience that can’t be explained secondhand: You have to go to camp yourself to truly appreciate it.
  • by J L
I liked her right away. She was pretty, funny and outgoing. I could tell that she was interested in me as well by the way she looked at me and talked to me. This was the first year of camp for both of us, and neither of us had many friends. Connecting on this, we overcame our nervousness and got to know each other.
  • by Brittany Hynes
I have loved camp since going as a camper for the first time at 15 and have grown fonder of it as I continue to participate as a staff member. The first time I served on the staff I didn’t fully know what to expect since I never wondered what goes on behind the scenes! Learning this new perspective on the camp experience was fun and challenging.
  • by Sarah Auguste McCaulley
abitha is a 15-year-old who has grown up in God’s Church. She has kept the weekly Sabbath her whole life. Her current friends know all about her and her beliefs, but as a new school year begins, it brings new classes, new teachers and most likely new friends. It’s the first day of her sophomore year, and Tabitha sits down in her first class of the day. She looks around the classroom but doesn’t...
  • by Robert Curry
We text and tweet, and soon “What Would Jesus Do?” becomes “WWJD.” But at United Youth Camps a better question is “WDJD”—“What Did Jesus Do?”
  • by Janet Treadway
So you’re headed to camp and maybe for the very first time. Perhaps you are shy and you would rather not get involved. Perhaps those feelings have come from being rejected. Perhaps you feel you have nothing to offer. I’ve been there, and here’s what I’ve learned from my own experiences.