United Church of God

We Are Not Ignorant of His Devices

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We Are Not Ignorant of His Devices

MP3 Audio (13.48 MB)


We Are Not Ignorant of His Devices

MP3 Audio (13.48 MB)

Which chapter in the Bible describes in detail the Day of Atonement, the only day in the year in which the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies, and offer sacrifices to cover the sins of the people? Leviticus 16 describes these sacrifices which point to our High Priest, Jesus Christ, Who was sacrificed once and for all for all mankind's sin. Fred Kellers explains the twenty-three times the Hebrew word, kippur, is used. Kippur means covering or atonement. Also he explains how Satan was symbolically put away when the sins of the people were placed on the head of the goat led away into the wilderness. He then warns us that Satan, the god of this world, is not put away as yet, and that we must stay vigilant of his devices. He went on to show just what some of those devices are.

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