United Church of God

Joshua's Way Is the Only Way

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Joshua's Way Is the Only Way

MP3 Audio (7.59 MB)


Joshua's Way Is the Only Way

MP3 Audio (7.59 MB)

Just what do the exploits of ancient Israel's armies have to do with modern day Christians in winning our battles and overcoming sin? Much in every way. 1 Corinthians 10:11 tells us, "Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come." Israel had succeeded under Joshua's example of reliance on and obedience to God. After his death, Israel gained the lands that God had promised, but at great difficulty and expense. Eventually, they ended up losing them! Where did they go wrong? They failed to follow God's instructions all the way. They compromised. They took short cuts, they thought. They were not diligent to totally rely on God and follow exactly the plan He had laid out for them. These examples sound a clear warning for us as Christians today. We must learn to put on the whole armor of God and follow the Captain of our salvation, Jesus Christ.

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