United Church of God

A Shadow of Things to Come

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A Shadow of Things to Come

MP3 Audio (11.08 MB)


A Shadow of Things to Come

MP3 Audio (11.08 MB)

God uses the physical to point to the spiritual reality of things to come and God’s plan involves restoring the relationship and establishing God’s plan of salvation.

Sermon Notes



God uses the physical to point to the spiritual reality of things to come.


God’s plan involves restoring the relationship and establishing God’s plan of salvation.


Lev. 23:4 → We need to observe God’s Passover.


Exo. 11:1 → God is setting up a plan to free a people through one final plague.


Exo. 12:1


Symbols of the Passover.


v. 3 → a lamb for a household.  Jesus Christ is the lamb of God, this was a forerunner of things to come.


John 1:29 → The next day John saw Jesus coming toward Him, “behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins or the world”.


v. 5 → lamb is without blemish.  It had to be the best from their flock.  The lamb represented Jesus Christ who was without sin.


I Peter 2:22 → Even the words that came out of Jesus’ mouth was without deceit.  


Heb. 4:15 → We have a high priest that can sympathize with us.


Exo. 12


v. 7 → Blood went on the sides of the door and the lintel (top), these are the supports of the door that carry all of the load.  Jesus Christs’ blood carries the load of sin in our lives.


2 Cor. 5:21 → God gave His perfect son to carry our sins that we might become the righteousness within him.


1 Pet. 1:18 → We are not redeemed with corruptible things.  


1 Pet. 2:22-24 → He didn’t get upset when treated unjustly.  


What is the overall purpose


1 Pet. 3:18 → Jesus Christ was sacrificed once for sins for the just and unjust.  We come to Passover to remember the commitment made at Passover.  He did this to bring us to God.


Exo. 12:21 → That real blood signifies Jesus’ sacrifice to us.


The Israelites ate of the lamb that pictured Christ.


1 Cor. 5:7 → Jesus Christ is our Passover.


Matt. 26:26 → Blood is shed for the remission of sins.


Lev. 17:11 → The life of the flesh is within the blood.  It is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.


I John 1:7 → If we walk in the light as Jesus, his blood will cleanse us from all sin.


Rev. 1:5


Days of Unleavened Bread


Lev. 23:6-8


Exo. 2:23 → God heard their groaning and He acknowledged them.


Sin is causing this world to suffer.  God cannot have a relationship with us when we live in sin.


Exo. 12:15 → Nothing leavened shall be in your houses.


1 Cor. 5:6-8 → A little bit of sin will fill our whole body with sin.


Our conversion must go to the depth of our heart.  Our life must be formed by living by the truth.


Deut. 16:3


We are to put the past sins out of our life.  The world groans and cries out in sin.

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