United Church of God

A Time of Change

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A Time of Change

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A Time of Change

MP3 Audio (10.5 MB)

This day represents a pivotal day for mankind, for the earth and everything in it. God describes everything that is changing. The nature of man and beasts will be changed. Everything will be changed for eternity. The deserts will blossom like a rose.

Sermon Notes



This day represents a pivotal day for mankind for the earth and everything in it.  God describes everything that is changing.  The nature of man and beasts will be changed.  Everything will be changed for eternity.  The deserts will blossom like a rose.


Our hope will be fulfilled and there will be a change.  God is not blind or callous to the evil.  One day He will send HIs Son to change it all.


The change will be awesome and complete and we will be the force of that change.


Isa. 11:1-5 → Whenever there is a cry of humanity, it is a cry for a future time when Christ will come and bring healing to this earth


Isa. 11:2 → That fear is context is to change your life morally.  We have to morally reference the Lord.


Do we see justice carried out in the world today?  This world is filled with injustice.  Is it moral justice to take the babies first breath before life.


True justice will play out day by day.


How do we judge each other?  Do not judge each other negatively.


1 Cor. 4:12


Paul never saw him as the moral authority.


Isa. 11:2-3


Christ will rule with wisdom and understanding.  This world does not have those qualities, it does not rule with wisdom, might, and understanding.  Even today we are handicapped when judging.  


Isa. 32:1-5 → A righteous King is coming and will be a shelter from the wind.  It will be a refuge from the storm.


Those who stammer will speak out plainly.  Scoundrels will not be respected.


Jer. :6 → Judah will be saved


Jer. 33:15


Isa 11:6 → With peace, comes rest.  The animals will be tamed.  We live in fear of animals, that is not the case in the future.


Christ wants us to know what is coming.

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