United Church of God

The War Against Marriage

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The War Against Marriage

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The War Against Marriage

MP3 Audio (14.02 MB)

Pastor Bart Bornhorst covers the biblical definition of marriage, its ultimate purpose, spiritual symbolism and the supernatural war against this sacred institution.

Sermon Notes



When we get married, is it a covenant or a contract?  Many people today approach marriage as a contract.


Contract vs. Covenant:


I take thee for thee vs. I give thee to you.


You better do it vs. How may I serve you


What do I get vs. What can I give


I’ll meet you halfway vs. I’ll give you 100%


I have to vs. I want to.


Contract looks away from love and how to serve you as an individual.  For the most part today, marriage is a contract.  The covenant of marriage is under attack.  It is being debased and perverted by Satan.


The definition of marriage is one man and one woman in a covenant with God.  It is a covenant with the three.  Marriage has a divine purpose.


God established the marriage covenant with one man and one woman.


Gen. 2:18


God never intended that covenant to be contractual.  Nowhere in the Bible is marriage defined as anything other than one man and one woman.  


Prov. 18:22 → He who finds a wife finds a good thing.  


Heb. 13:4 → Marriage is honorable above all.  Fornicators and adulterers, God will judge.


People that have loose morals are accepted in this world.  God is paying attention to those who man ignores.


Honor is to be shone in a marriage relationship.  We are to conduct ourselves in our marriage to be a blessing to one another.  Whatever it takes, we make that relationship a blessing to the other person.


The blessing to one another can be compromised when we take a selfish view of what that covenant should be.


2.)  Marriage Has a Divine Purpose

  1. Produce godly offspring.


Gen. 1:26 → God has created us to be in His likeness.


God instructs to produce children in the covenant of a marriage.


Mal. 2:14-16


God desires us to produce godly children, not just any children - the world can do that.  To do this, we must remain loyal to the wife of our youth.  Find a wife and cleave to her.


  1. Marriage is parallel with God’s relationship with his church and His plan


Eph. 5:21


Husbands love your wife and Jesus Christ loved the church.  The church has not been a good mate to Jesus Christ, but He still gives us love.


Jesus Christ’s view is complete with the church.  He who loves His wife loves himself.


3.)  Husband and Wife are One in God’s Eyes


Gen. 2:24 → Leave mother and father and cleave unto wife as one flesh.


Cleave is to glue together and bond.  Man and wife are to be very close to one another and inseparable.


Matt. 19:4-6 → There are differences in every marriage, but they are to be worked through.


John 10:28


Rom. 8:38


Let no man separate you from God.  The world says that marriage is from a bygone era, that you don’t have to be married to be together.


Jude 1:5-7 → God’s track record on dealing with perversions is very clear.


Rom. 1:22-32 → Professing to be wise, they became fools.  This is the actions of those who were in the church, they knew the righteous judgment of God.


Be ready to give an answer.


Hosea 2:16-23

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