United Church of God

Are We Living in Reality?

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Are We Living in Reality?

MP3 Audio (15.37 MB)


Are We Living in Reality?

MP3 Audio (15.37 MB)

An explanation how Christians can become calloused to the unending news of evil in this world and should open their hearts in compassion toward people going through horrendous and evil circumstances, and take these concerns to God with hope.

Sermon Notes



Do we live in time of joy, peace, and goodwill?  Some do, but many are only looking for themselves.  We live in a world that lives in misery.


We have many horrific events in this world that happen every day.  Man has no answer to stop the endless crimes against himself.


Rom. 8:19-22 --> Creation is waiting with earnest expectation for the sons of God and the return of Jesus Christ, for the plan of salvation to be revealed.


A curse was placed on mankind when man decided to reject the rule of God.


There will come a time when things change and we won't see the headlines that we see now.


This world is waiting for the return of Christ.


Are we crying out for this world and the evil that comes out of it.  Do we have that intense expectation for the return of Jesus Christ.


Rom . 8:23 --> We are all groaning and suffering together.


There is one big difference between us and the rest of the world as we endure this pain.  We know the answer to the question 'why'.


People ache so much because of the sins of this world.  This is not a world of justice, evil happens and evil prospers.


When the world suffers at the hand of evil, what do we think?  Do we avoid the pain in our world that we see every day?  Are we callous to the evils of this world?  These questions we all should ask ourselves.


1.)  Open your Heart to this World.


Allow your heart to be filled compassion to this world who suffers from Satan every day.  Our Father's heart is open to everyone in this world.  He loves them and the firstfruits on the same level.


John 3:12 Our entire trust must be put in Jesus Christ.


This world needs our prayers for those who are fighting fierce battles in their lives.  We need to give them prayers of mercy.  We are not to be of this world, but the world is not our enemy.  We have a common enemy which is Satan.


John 9:1


As long as we are part of the world, we are the 'light' of the world.  God the Father and Jesus Christ's work was to bring healing to the world.  We live in a day that has darkness in this Earth.


Our hearts should be praising God daily for the knowledge we have.


Matt. 13:13 -17 --> Christ's work is all about bringing healing to a world that is suffering from Satan and His destruction.


We should be going to God on a regular basis and giving thanks.


2.)  Recognize your Callousness


Maybe we think we are not callous to this world's problems.


Psalms 69:1-2 --> Save me O God, for I sink in deep mire.  


Psalms 102:3 - 9                                 


There is a need in our heart to feel the evil around us and pour out are heart.


Why are we callous?  Maybe it's because we don't want to hear the pain.


We have to experience the grief and then put it back out to God.  What comes back in to fill you up?  It is the joy of God's plan


When we are callus, we do not let the joy of God in us.


We have to make sure that we are facing reality.  We need the optimism of the faith we see in the Psalms.  God's work is healing.  We should feel the pain of others when we see it.


Matt 1:40 --> Christ comes upon a leper Where Where and cannot see the end of his problems.


This world needs help.  Christmas is not real, but what is happening in the world is very real.


Christ called His healing the work of his Father.,


Jer. 33:6


We must be able to feel the pain and open our hearts and feel the compassion that God has for this world.  Put your head on our Father's shoulder and pray for His Kingdom to come.

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