United Church of God

Are You a Treasure Hunter

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Are You a Treasure Hunter

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Are You a Treasure Hunter

MP3 Audio (9.63 MB)

Learn about seeking true treasure and not the treasures of this world.

Sermon Notes



Oak Hill has treasure that is impossible to attain.


Psalm 119:163 → I rejoice at your word which has great treasure.  God has allowed us to see what is in His book.


What is treasure?  It could be a deposit of wealth.  It could be a store of money.  Treasure is something that is very much valued.  What is valuable to us?  What occupies our thoughts and thoughts.


Col. 3:2 → Set your mind on things above.


Matt. 6:33 → What you should want most is God’s Kingdom and doing what He wants you to do.  We need to be a treasure hunter for God’s word.


6 Actions for Treasure Hunter


Prov. 2:1 → We esteem and  protect this great treasure of God’s word.


Acts 9:10 → Ananias went to someone who was dangerous, but he received God’s instructions and went with trust.


Matt. 13:44 → Kingdom is a treasure like a merchant who sell everything he has.


Prov. 2:1-5


  1. 2 → Incline your ear to wisdom.  We pay attention.  If we read God’s work, are we listening and giving heed to it.


James 1:21 → Get rid of all the evil and filth in our lives.


Heb. 12:14-15 → Pursue peace will all people and holiness.


How much do we examine the truth of God?


Prov. 2:2 → We have to apply our heart for understanding.


James 1:22-27 → Don’t just listen or read God’s word, do what it says or we are just fooling ourselves.  We must constantly take God’s word and apply it.


How do we incline our ears and apply it?


Matt. 7:24


Knowledge only becomes relevant when we turn it into action.  


Prov. 2:3 → To cry out, to summon and cry out for help.  We must call out for help.


Dan. 2:16-18 → Do we invite God and for his discernment like Daniel did in this prayer.  We need help to summon God’s truth and gain that understanding.


I Cor. 2:11 → Sometimes we forget who gives out all understanding.  The very nature of God is given to us in a small portion, but we must call for it.


Prov. 2:3 → Lift up our voice.  We cry out to God with an emphatic voice.  Raise our voice for understanding.  Do we emphatic in our prayers.


2 Kings 19:1 → Do we seek God first like Hezekiah.  We don’t look for God in an obnoxious way, but an emphatic way.


Do we express ourselves in times of need?


Colossians 4:2 → Be earnest in prayer.  Devote yourself in prayer.


Have we ever grown tired of praying for something or someone?   The delay is God working His will in our life, maybe not in ways that we hope.  God knows us and our circumstances.


Psalms 146:5 → The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.


Prov. 2:4 → We must tremendous desire and tenacity.


2 Cor. 7:11 → Use sorrow in a Godly manner.


Jer. 29:13 → We have to seek and find Him.  It only happens when we search with all of our heart.  Apply the same energy in finding God’s word as we would if we lost something valuable.  


Prov. 2:4 → Search for her as hidden treasure


Heb. 4:12 → The word of God is alive and powerful.  Nothing in all creation is hidden from God.


Mal. 3:10 → Do we trust God enough to try him.  God is someone we can trust in every area of our lives.


Prov. 2:5 → What happens when we try to practice all of these things in our lives.  We will then fear the Lord and will be able to find out who He really is.


Matt. 6:19 → Do not lay up treasures in this earth. Where your treasure is, will be your here as well.  We are after riches toward God - true treasure.

Job. 22:23-26 → Our focus should be on God.  Our almighty will be our treasure.  Keep searching God word.

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