United Church of God

The Seven Laws of Success, Part 1

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The Seven Laws of Success, Part 1

MP3 Audio (8.78 MB)


The Seven Laws of Success, Part 1

MP3 Audio (8.78 MB)

Pastor Bart Bornhorst discusses “The Seven Law of Success,” taking these physical principles and applying them to our spiritual success, in this first part of a two-part sermon.

Sermon Notes



Success doesn't happen by chance, it comes by hard work.


1.)  Choose the right goal.


If we were a ship without a destination, we would be shipwrecked.


Set the right goal and achieve that goal.


Put a lot of thought into the right goal.  The very first law of success is to define success.  If we don't know what success is personally, how do we know if we have achieved it.  True success if far more than physical abundance.


So many wealthy people feel empty and unsatisfied at the end of their life.


God has set a goal for each and every one of us.  God wants us to become Righteous like his son Jesus Christ.  The Kingdom of God is our reward, not our goal.


Our lives are to be models of Holy conduct of helping and serving one another.  We are not called because we are good.  We are called because we are spiritually sick.


Luke 5:30 --> The Pharisees especially questioned why Jesus hung out with the lowly.  It answered them by saying that the healthy did not need attention.


2.)  Education


If need to gear yourself towards proper education.  You need to be properly educated in your goal.


The companies want to hire the best employees.  Become as educated as you can in whatever field you desire.


We should continue to educate ourselves even after college.


The education that God offers us if far greater than anything we receive at school.


Prov. 8:10 --> What God offers us is far greater than gold or silver.


1. Tim. 3:16 --> All scripture has been given by inspiration from God and profitable for instruction.


God gives us his education through His word.


We need to heed God's word, instruction, and sometimes - his correction.  Will we ever grow if we ignore these things?


Prov. 15:31-33 --> Before honor, there is humility.  He who heeds rebuke gains understanding.


Matt. 23:25 --> Woe to those who only care about the outside.  There needs to be an attitude of humility.  


Always pray for a humble, teachable, heart.


3.)  Maintain good health.


49% of all Americans have a chronic disease.  Many of these sufferings can be prevented.  If we let down on one part of our life, it can lead to a failure of another.  We need to keep our minds focused on positive thoughts.


Phi. 4:8 --> Paul tells us what to focus on to maintain positivity.


God gave us the food laws so that we would be healthy and successful.  


When all of the systems are working together, we will be at peace.  


Col. 1:9 --> Spiritual wisdom is a path to success.  Our lives will produce every kind of good fruit as you get to know God better.

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