United Church of God

Disciplined in Our Word, Mind, and Spirit

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Disciplined in Our Word, Mind, and Spirit

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Disciplined in Our Word, Mind, and Spirit

MP3 Audio (14.9 MB)

Pastor Bornhorst spoke about having discipline in our word, our attitude, and in our spiritual life.

Sermon Notes



What happens when we don't live a life of self-discipline.  Often, those live for only the day and satisfying themselves.  The undisciplined life only looks ahead for 24 hours, they don't think of the future.  Their comfort and contentious for the day is their own worst enemy.


A disciplined person sees that they may have difficult times in the future and plans for those periods in life.  They don't extended periods of idleness.


Prov. 6:6-11 --> How long will you slumber you sluggard.  God is warning us to see how we are to function in life.  Look at how the and takes care of their business.


Our world has example after example of people living for the moment.  What is the fruit of an undisciplined life?  They are ruled by their passions and lusts, they suffer addictions.  Their morals will be very low, and they won't care if they hurt others.


If we are undisciplined in one area, it will affect other areas.


Gal. 5:22 --> One fruit of the spirit is self-control.


1.)  Being disciplined in Word:  Guard your speech.


Our Father has given us a powerful tool, our tongue.


Prov. 18:21 --> Death and life are in the power of the tongue.


If we bring harm to someone, that will come back to us.


We have the power to offer life to someone.


Luke 6:45 --> A good man brings forth good treasures in their heart.


What are the fruits of our heart and tongue?  Are they encouraging, uplifting, and healing to others?  If we would be given 10 cents for every kind word and 5 cents taken away for unkind words, would we be kind or poor?


Matt. 12:36 --> For every idle word that a man speaks, they will be judged against it.  By our words, will we be justified?


By our words, we can be condemned.  We need to weight and consider what we say to others.  


Eph. 5:4 --> God wants us to give thanks and appreciation, not filthy jokes.


Prov. 25:11 --> Well-chosen words can touch and change another person's life.


Speak when you are angry and you'll make the best speech you'll regret.


2.)  Be ever watchful for a bad attitude.


Our emotions have their place, but they shouldn't control us.  When we are upset, what do we do with the wrong things that we see?


2 Cor. 10:4 --> When we are faced with difficult situations, it is up to us to control those strongholds.  When we are emotionally worked up, we go in directions that are not in line with God's Holy Spirit.


Maintain a watchful eye on a bad attitude.  Nothing on earth can help a man with a wrong mental attitude.


1 Pet. 3:8 --> all of you, be harmonious and sympathetic.  Be brotherly and kind-hearted.  Always consider the other person better than yourself.


1 Cor. 9:26-27 --> We all set an example to others.  We are supposed to be the example of Jesus Christ.


1 Sam. 9:17 --> Two perspectives of Saul, one when God looked down and wanted a King for His people and when God left Him.


God personally select Saul because of his attitude and humbleness.


v. 20 --> What God has in store for Saul.


1 Sam. 13:5 --> Saul is in charge for the armies.  Israel is scared to death of the Philippines and emotion is raging.  Saul makes decisions that was not his to make and out of arrogance.  


He made decisions that were out of His pay grade.  Saul changed and didn't keep His mind committed to God.


1 Sam. 24:3 --> What is David's attitude here?  David remembered where he should be, and right himself using God's will, not human reason.  David did not become wise in his eyes.


Isa. 5:21 --> We shouldn't use our human reasoning in a difficult situation.  David was disciplined, but he grew.  When we become wise in our own eyes, we make decisions apart from God, not Part of God.  That is idolatry, we put ourselves in place of God.


3.)  Be diligent in our spiritual life.


Do not become undisciplined in our devotion to God.   We must be diligent in our prayer and spiritual life.


If we are undisciplined, it starts small and then grows big.


2. Pet. 3:14--> Be diligent to be found by Him, in peace, without spot, and blameless.


v. 18 --> Grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ.  That can only be done by prayer and Bible Study.  A person who suffers in undisciplined of prayer and Bible study has a false sense of contentment.  They do not have an attitude of being poor in spirit.  We need that communication with God.


A hungry man will seek food, a full man will not seek.


We must see our need for God and hunger for His grace and knowledge.  Our lives need to be a living sacrifice for God.


Rom. 12:1 --> When we stay close to God, we will have that renewing of our mind every day.


We need to be serving the Saints and giving in hospitality.  Bless and do not curse those that are persecuting you.


It is tough to remain humble.  Our loving Father has given us everything that we need.


Isa. 50:4 --> We are given words of wisdom to comfort those.


Become as the ant, prepare for tomorrow and the coming Kingdom of God.

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