United Church of God

How Should We Examine Ourselves Before Passover?

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How Should We Examine Ourselves Before Passover?

MP3 Audio (21.72 MB)


How Should We Examine Ourselves Before Passover?

MP3 Audio (21.72 MB)

In I Corinthians 11:28, the apostle Paul tells us we must examine ourselves before taking the Passover symbols of the bread and wine and to be sure we don't take them in an unworthy manner.   What does it mean to examine ourselves?  What should we examine ourselves for?  By looking at the three things Jesus Christ instituted with His disciples on His last night with them - washing their feet, instituting the symbol of bread to represent His body broken for us, and instituting the wine as a symbol of His blood shed for us- we see may aspects of our lives that we can and should examine before taking of the Passover symbols in the way God intends.

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