United Church of God

Jesus Comes to Judge the World

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Jesus Comes to Judge the World

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Jesus Comes to Judge the World

MP3 Audio (36.12 MB)

In addition to Jesus' judgment upon our lives, a judgment is also taking place upon the world the approaches to life, government, morality, philosophy, religion etc. that Satan and humans have dreamed up, proposed, and practiced as alternatives to those of God.

Sermon Notes

The three great periods of judgment:

Judgment that is taking place now upon the people God has called during the present period of man’s history from Adam until the return of Christ.

Judgment that is taking [has taken] place upon the world… the approaches to life, government, morality, philosophy, religion etc. that Satan and humans have dreamed up, proposed, and practiced as alternatives to those of God… again during the present period of man’s history.

Judgment upon all those who have ever lived and died. This judgment takes place after the millennial rule of Jesus Christ

The Judgment Upon the Household of God

The first of these judgments we deal with on a regular basis because it’s an understanding that forms the basis of daily lives. We are instructed to judge ourselves that we be not judged. Therefore, we constantly take stock of our personal moral and spiritual condition. 1 Corinthians 11:29-32

When we see attitudes or actions in our lives that do not conform to the pattern of life set before us through God’s commandments, His statutes, the examples of Jesus, the teachings of the church on the fruits of the spirit etc. … we change them.

The church’s purpose is not to judge you on these matters but to give you the necessary instruction and information so you can judge yourself.

Sometimes God draws our attention to elements of our lives that need to be addressed through trials, sometimes sickness. Note: I say sometimes since trials and sickness can also come upon us to perfect us through suffering… after the example of our elder brother Jesus.

Describe how a court case works – Krisis / Krino

The result of this period of judgment upon the people of God is that we might have a part in the resurrection of the dead that takes place when Christ returns. Whether we are resurrected to meet Him at His return is like a final verdict at the end of a life-long court case… or evaluation period.

The possible verdicts are: life… or death [be definition non-life]

This judgment [krisis] is taking place now… although the final verdict [krino] is only made known in the future… at the time when Christ returns.

Judgment of All Humanity Given To Jesus Christ

During His earthly ministry, Jesus said many times that his purpose at that time was not to judge people but to bring them the vital teaching, truth, forgiveness and spiritual power so they might enter into eternal life at the time of His coming [like the work of the church]. John 9:39 – to prepare for judgment.

He also was very clear that in the future [after he had provided an atonement for the sins of human beings] He would be the judge of all things. John 5:22-30 [krisis]

Acts 10:42 he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead [church continues this teaching] – Acts 24:25

The Judgment Upon The World

John 12:31 during this present age something called the “world” is also being judged. What is the world? A common misconception is that this also means ALL PEOPLE who have ever lived. What is the world? Depending on the translation “world” can mean the physical universe, the time or age we live in, or the political order, system, human society etc. [kosmos, aion, oikemene]

When God created the material universe, planet earth, physical/chemical life forms He looked at His creation and His verdict was “it is very good”…

So it is that last meaning of “world” that is best applied here… it is the various kingdoms, governments capitalism, communism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Protestantism, animism, shintoism, naturalism, utilitarianism, and every system, or theory, or practice devised by the human or angelic mind as an alternate or substitute for the Rule of God and the Peace of God will be have been tried, tested, judged… and sentenced to the rubbish heap of eternity… because they bring neither peace, nor happiness, and ultimately threaten to destroy physical life itself.

All will have been weighed in the court of human experience, with its misery, death, confusion, hatred, oppression and all will have been shown to be completely worthless.

Matt 4:8-11 Satan offered them all to Jesus… and He rejected them. He knew they were worthless.

But due process is God’s way and so the court is still in session, although the outcome is certain.

Judgment of the World Given to Jesus Christ

Acts 17:31 1) a time is appointed, 2) [oikounmene – this is a more specific reference to political human devised systems by comparison to kosmos or aion]

Revelation 11:15-18 the time of Christ’s return is the time when the verdict is finally passed down. For those who have died in Christ, it is a resurrection to reward and eternal life. And for those whose ways and practices destroy the earth itself… there is wrath and total destruction.

Revelation 14:7-12 Babylon – this one city is the biblical representation of all the governments, religions, cultures and other attempts to govern ourselves rather than acknowledge and work in harmony with the rule of God. The judgment of this Babylon of human and angelic invention will be complete and the sentence will be carried out.

Revelation 18:2-10

Revelation 19:2-3, 11-13 the one executing the order of judgment [krino] is Jesus Christ

Clearly, this is not an execution of God’s wrath upon all humans who have ever lived… since most of them are still dead in their graves… they will not yet have been resurrected back to life. Scripture shows that Christ will rule for 1000 years and it is only after that 1000 years that the remainder of humanity are brought back to life Revelation 20:5

The final great period of judgment

This is the resurrection of the unjust, those who were never redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ during their physical lives. They are now raised to a time of judgment not condemnation. At the time of their resurrection, they too will be given a fair trial… a reasonable period in which they will be judged by those things written in the books [Bible]… and a verdict will be passed.

And based on what we read earlier their judge will be Jesus Christ.

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