United Church of God

The Lord Goes Before

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The Lord Goes Before

MP3 Audio (12.48 MB)


The Lord Goes Before

MP3 Audio (12.48 MB)

Elder Andy McClain discusses three promises of protection, guidance, and life from God as He goes before us.

Sermon Notes

In computing, we have this idea of a backing up data to the cloud.

Exo. 13:17 -- This type of cloud was much of a wonder.

There was a great cloud that led the Israelites.  The crowd of 2 million could see it for 8 miles.  God was literally with Israel.

Exo. 33:12   

God’s presence is with

3 Promises that God Goes Before Us.

1.)  Protection

Protection can be both physical and spiritual protection.

The world can put an immense amount of stress on us.

Exo. 14:13

Prov. 30:5 → God promises protection.

Sometimes we can get ourselves down, but we must remember that God will always be with us.

Acts 27:14

We should not test God by putting ourselves in dangerous situations.

Psalm 5:12

Psalm 28:7 → The Lord is my strength and shield and I trust Him.

Isa. 52:12 → Let your request be made known to God.  God peace comes from the spirit and knowledge from Him.

God will preserve us and keep us from injury.

2.)  God promised Guidance. (2:42) (28:48)

Duet. 41:6 → God has to reassure the Israelites that He is still with them.

Be strong and have good courage.  God will be the one that goes with us.  God knew that He was withdrawing the cloud and He had to discourage them.

John 6:13 → After they had fed the five thousand.

Acts 27:9

Psalm 73:24 → God will be our guide even to death.  If it were not for God, we may not have made it through certain trials.

3.)  God Promises Life

Duet 30:19-20 God promises life and death, be sure to choose life.

God is our life.

Jesus Christ is the one who offered us life.

Deut. 32:46

When we do our best to obey God, it brings blessings.

John 6:62

John 10:10 → I have come, so that they may have life.  Christ came to not just preserve, but impart life.

Gen. 45:4

1 John 4:9

Josh. 31:8

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  • Paul Beshoner
    As soon as you adjusted the microphone you cut off all sound over the internet
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