United Church of God

What Is a Hero?

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What Is a Hero?

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What Is a Hero?

MP3 Audio (41.36 MB)

Elder Frank Dunkle draws comparisons between the fictional super heroes of the media culture and the real Hero and Savior of the world.

Sermon Notes

As we see the superhero movies, those heros who have been given great abilities, also much is expected.

Luke 12:48 → For everyone who has been given something, much is required.

What is a hero? -> Someone who is admired or realized for their courage and abilities.  Another definition is someone who sacrifices themselves on behalf of others.  With great power, comes great responsibilities.

A great example of a hero in the Bible is King David.

1 Sam. 17: → Before he rose in prominence, King David did have amazing traits -- tracking down a bear or lion.

When we learn the behaviors of putting others ahead of ourselves, we are becoming Christ-like.

Rom. 5:6 - While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  This a hero-like sacrifice.  

1 Cor. 15:3 → Christ died for our sins.

God is consistent, just, and fair.  God couldn’t overlook the penalty of death, it had to be paid.  We needed a hero, every human being needs a hero.

Heb. 4:15

Heb. 7;26 → Christ never sinned, He never earned that death penalty and could have walked away, but He didn’t.

Heb. 12:2

1 Cor. 15:25 → That last enemy to be slain is death.

We can’t become Jesus Christ, but we can be like him.  We start this by sacrificing our own self

Phil. 2:5 → Let this mind be in you as it is in Christ Jesus.  Don’t do anything in selfish ambition.

1 Pet. 4:8 → Love will cover a multitude of sins.  How is that?

We can be a loyal sidekick to Jesus Christ.

1 John 1:9

Matt 18:50 → If your brother sins, go and tell him alone.  You will have then gained a brother.  That sin will then be covered.  When we go to a brother to discuss a sin, that is heroic.

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