United Church of God

The Wondrous Spirit of Man

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The Wondrous Spirit of Man

MP3 Audio (26.22 MB)


The Wondrous Spirit of Man

MP3 Audio (26.22 MB)

Most people have no understanding of this very important subject. The scriptures that mention the human spirit are generally assumed to refer to the bogus concept of an “immortal soul.” Physically, there are no great differences between human brains and many animal brains—it is the human spirit that accounts for the incredible differences, mentally and spiritually (see 1 Corinthians 2:11). In Genesis 1:26, we believe “likeness” refers to our bodily shape and design being similar to God and “image” refers to our having a spiritual similarity to God. But to truly become like God, we also need the gift of the Holy Spirit to combine with human spirit (Romans 8:16). One’s spirit permanently preserves his personality and character identity. Upon death, one’s spirit goes back to God (Ecclesiastes 3:21; 12:7). A resurrection is the combining of one’s spirit with a new body (either a physical body or a spirit body). God’s plan for adding sons and daughters to His Family is awesome beyond words! With this understanding, we can better appreciate how blessed we are to be human beings created in the image of God!

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