United Church of God

Video Recording Studio Plans Drafted: Civil Engineers to Review Site

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Video Recording Studio Plans Drafted

Civil Engineers to Review Site

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Video Recording Studio Plans Drafted: Civil Engineers to Review Site


KBA Architects, the original architect for our Milford, Ohio, office, has submitted drawings for us to edit and approve.

Civil engineers will soon review the piece of land adjacent to the office where the new studio will be built. Mechanical and electrical engineers will be brought on board very soon. Our goal is to break ground in July of this year if all goes as planned.

As you can imagine, we are very excited with the design on the drawing board so far and the opportunities the new facility will give us in being more effective in our work to preach the gospel of the Kingdom!

The graphics included show the first- and second-floor plans. They include a green room, equipment room, prop and storage room, restrooms, an audio studio and a video control room—as well as the large, open space that will comprise our main Beyond Today television set and large “sound stage.”

When completed we will have a very fine video recording facility that will be extremely flexible in fitting our needs. We even plan for enough space for a studio audience and live webcasting capability.

To date, we have received $503,000 towards funding the facility. This leaves us still about $97,000 short of our needs. Therefore, if members would like to help us reach our financial goals for the video recording studio, it would be most welcome. Please note on your contribution that it is for the “Video Recording Studio.” 

Click the download button to the right to see more blueprints and images of the new addition. 

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