United Church of God

Psalms and Salvation -- What’s the Connection?

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Psalms and Salvation -- What’s the Connection?

MP3 Audio (7.01 MB)

The Book of Psalms is an awesome book of the Bible! Many people may be somewhat more familiar with this book due its inclusion in a “mini-Bible” distributed years ago by Gideon International. Over 45 million copies of the “mini-Bible – otherwise known as New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs – have been supplied to over 130 countries or nations around the world. The Book of Psalms is often read for inspiration and for comfort. Psalms is superb in both of these categories – and also much more. It is a veritable treasure trove, filled with awesome instruction and with deep spiritual insight! Psalms – known for its resplendent expressions of faith and heartfelt praises to God – contains a compelling and relevant message for us today! The Pentecost season is an excellent time to review this cogent message!

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