United Church of God

Gnosticism: Twenty Gnostic Heresies Infecting Modern Christianity: Part 2

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Gnosticism: Twenty Gnostic Heresies Infecting Modern Christianity

Part 2

MP3 Audio (32.6 MB)


Gnosticism: Twenty Gnostic Heresies Infecting Modern Christianity: Part 2

MP3 Audio (32.6 MB)

Gnosticism—Part 1 was given on Dec. 24, 2016. Part 2 explains 20 of the main heresies that still affect and infect most of “Christianity” and even Western civilization. Awareness of these ideologies enables us to better understand today’s world, to be on guard against their influences, and to be even more grateful to God for enabling us to learn, love and live by the pure truth of God’s Word.

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